DD! If you need help with the testing and evaluating all of those martinis I would be right proud to help in any way possible. Just ship them out here to the Republic of Kalifornia. My testing will be very thorough and probably take at least 10 or 15 years. Since you aren't going to publish anyway; that shouldn't be a problem. I would be right proud to be able to help in any way possible. You wouldn't even have to acknowledge my small contribution if the book was published. This way you could concentrate on your consulting work and cannon stuph. Shucks, this would be better than an autographed copy of the book any which way. Oh yeah; don't forget to send lots of ammunition.
Ah yes there is no end of volunteer help...untill I tell then what I am going to do. Find Volume 2 of P.O. Ackley's Handbook for reloaders and read his chapter on action strength.
Here is the chapter outline for this section.
10. Action strength
a. 577/450
i. Pressure test the LoC Load drawn brass.
1. Original ammo
2. 85 grs FG drawn brass
3. 85 Grs FFg drawn brass
4. 85 grs FFFg drawn brass
5. 85 grs FFFFg drawn brass
ii. Repeat the test using CBC brass
1. 85 grs FG
2. 85 Grs FFg
3. 85 grs FFFg
4. 85 grs FFFFg
iii. LoC with fillers
iv. Then test substitutes, T7, Pyrodex, etc.
v. Test Smokeless.
vi. 40% NfB
vii. Shotgun/pistol powders.
viii. Load from a disk generated loads
ix. IMR 3031, progressively larger until I get failure
b. ME action Repeat tests
c. SOG Counterfeit, repeat test
d. Khyber Pass copy, repeat test
e. BSA Francotte, repeat test. thin action, thick action.
I would gladly let some else foot the bill for these test. But I want the fun of conducting them . Each test will be filmed and I am thinking including video on a DVD to go with the book.
I am letting this discussion drift a bit from cannons so you can get some idea how I approach writing a book. I am sure that a book could be written from the material posted on this board. Given the way I would approach such a task I am not prepared to devote my time to such a project now. This Martini book is/has been my goal for some time now and I am only interested working it to its end. After that then maybe, just maybe the cannon book could be written...if I haven't come to my senses