First, who are you asking the question of?
If it's me, I never said I wasn't going to buy a Cooper rifle. I have no particular interest in them, never did. Maybe I will someday, who knows. I just acquired an AR that has shot .25" groups, and I have several other rifles I expect the same of, so my accuracy needs are satisfied for now.
Now the facts are that Dan Cooper has been backing Obama financially, for more than four years. He liked OBama well enough in 2004 to send $1K to his campaign in the Illinois senatorial election. Good for him. That's his politics and his right. Now that the facts have become known that Cooper made several donations to the most anti-gun ticket to ever run for the presidency, many gun-owners have understandably felt betrayed. So, after a weak attempt at lying about Cooper's multiple donations, the BOard of Directors and employees asked Dan Cooper to resign. Sounds like a very justifiable request to me. Dan Cooper resigned. Cooper arms remains in business. If you want one, buy one. If I want one I'll buy one - now that Dan is gone.
The gun grabbers will be the winner of that fight? I don't know about that. I don't think the demand for rifles will be reduced, so presumably SOMEBODY will make and sell rifles to Cooper's former customers if Cooper were to fold. Maybe the market will open up and Cooper will be replaced by one, maybe two new manufacturers who don't betray their clientele and promote the shooting sports. Supporting Obama (despite some dreamers opinions) does not support the shooting sports or the gun owner. Period
The opposite of condemning Copper's decision (capitulation) is certainly a victory for the gun-grabbers. If you want me to explain that I will, but it shouldn't be necessary.
So buy a Cooper if you like.