Hey again Ron; Your first post accused us of “not spending the time to find out the facts”. You quote the Cooper web site. (Now, that’s searching for an unbiased opinion.) Then, oldelkhuner’s post with “the facts” makes you look like an idiot.
I wish you would respond to one question. If a group of citizens feel that a company has betrayed their most dearly held values and principles, what is the most effective way to express their disgust? All of your crap about us “eating our own” and “how the rest of the sissies will perceive us”, is laughable.
In your post of Nov. 1st you made the most ridiculous statement “we need to prove we are supporters of democracy”. Your arrogance is limitless!! To question American gun owner’s “support of democracy” is nearly treasonous. How can a supporter of Barack Hussein have the audacity to question anyone’s support of democracy or patriotism?
In regard to your suggestion that “we need to accept the new reality and act accordingly”. YOU accept this foul and nasty reality and, I promise WE will act accordingly. We always have stood with pride in America. Barack Hussein has not!! And, there is not a more law-abiding group in the WORLD than American gun owners!!
Do you really think anyone gives a rat’s a$$ how Montana trends? That whole discourse of yours on Montana pu$$ie$ was pointless.
Dude, can you imagine for a moment that the schools will start handing out guns to students, absolutely moronic! That is about what I would expect from you. You even suspect yourself as possibly being an unrealistic dreamer. No, you sound every bit like every other wacko Hussein supporter I’ve met.
You say; “Obama has bigger fish to fry than take away your guns. He needs your help. He needs everybody's help if we are going to clean up the mess Bush has made of our economy.” More Kool-Aid please!
Then, you demand proof of “his proven anti-gun stance. I actually do believe you have read what’s out there and, I believe you are still convinced Hussein is not anti gun. It is the Kool-Aid dude!! The response by Rich Pearson blows your friggin doors off and your best retort is the juvenile whining “Oh yeah, what’s the citation”.
Your diatribes about democracies, republics and what is real socialism is sophomoric at best and, an attempt by you to sound as though are knowledgable about something. Your embrace of Barack Hussein’s foul policies ensures you will never be respected by the gun community. You come to a place where gun-guys hang out and, you’re gonna try and impress us with some phony knowledge concerning socialism? You oughtta know.
Y’all ought to just run the oil, timber and mining companies out of Montana. That’ll teach ‘em a lesson!
You say the abortion issue has no place here. What if he were molesting little boys? Could we mention that? Well, he's just killing them so, we'll save that discussion till later.
Let's just name a few of the people who join Ron in his support for Barrack Hussein. Some of whom are actively engaged in the killing of American citizens and soldiers; Hugo Chavez, Ahmadinejahd, Kieth Olberman, The Taliban, Syria's pres. Assad, Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, Farrakhan, Putin, Jesse Jackson, The most holy reverend Al Sharpton, Danny Glover, Chris Matthews (with the tingle up his leg) , Fidel Castro etc..... Let's not forget the courageous and honorable citizens of France, Spain and Germany. You keep interesting company Ron! I'm sure you're proud to stand with this bunch.