To me the 2 3/4" Fed #1 buck loads have always been the happy medium . Also killed my first deer with that load many years ago .. 20 30 cal. pellets ..!! Whats not to love ?
They are just always hard to get in quantity like the 00 buck loads that are offered from everyone and their mothers brothers sisters dog out there
so since my supply of #1 is not what i want i lean towards the 00 buck manufacturers that keep the round count higher then the standard 9 pellets , there are a few that offer 00 buck with 12 pellets.
But i agree whole heartedly that any buck is good buck .... Checks for the Nobel or fiochhi would be worth the effort versus buying whatever leavings you can gather up at the local wally world and you end up gettin literally more bang for your buck
Just my 2 cents on it ,
Just an after thought 2 years ago i killed a buck at 50 yards with a 15 pellet count remmie 3" load and wow , like being struck down by the Gods ( 30 inch barreled winchester ranger 12 guage)