Author Topic: Holy crap!!!!!!! What are we going to talk about the days after the election.  (Read 1849 times)

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Offline Don Fischer

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The biggest problem is not Obamma but the house. It belongs to the liberals! I doubt Obamma can do much of anything without that support. All having McCain in their might do is create gridlock between the house and the white house. The way to stop the liberals is to throw them out, like that would help. Remember that the conservatives had the control for what, 8 yrs? They couldn't do a thing, they are spineless. Republicans had their chance and did nothing so now we wait and see.

Should they send federal officers in to conficate guns, who they gonna send? I'm not so sure they could get enough to do that. And I doubt the military would do it either. What they will do and probably it will work, is to eat away at manufacturer's and sales outlets with restrictions. And that they can only do with house approval. Bright side maybe. The U.S. Supreme  court recently held up the right to keep and bear arms in, what was it, washington D.C.? Which way do those people lean? That would be the last line of denfense.

:wink: Even a blind squrrel find's an acorn sometime's![/quote]

Offline Dixie Dude

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Swampman, I heard that cosmoline grease and pvc sewer pipe burried vertically is hard to find.  Use pvc and desicant with ammo.  Unless you have a good size rural area.  Your yard wouldn't be a good place.  What about treebark painted pvc strapped to some large treelimbs?  I think the best way right now is to WRITE your congressmen and senators, EMAIL them, and CALL them constantly.  Enough people doing this, some moderate and conservative democrats with the republicans can stop stupid legislation.  Whether gun control, socialist legislation, excessive spending, etc.  Must constantly do it.  Get friends and neighbors to do it.  JOIN the NRA and GOA or any of these groups.  JOIN the Christian Coillition.  These groups keep up with stupid legislation and warn us.  Then we get mobilised "community organized" to CALL, WRITE, and EMAIL to flood our senators and representatives offices.  Remind them that they can be voted out. 

On another note, Obama is using some Chicago cronies and former Klinton people in his transition team and his chief of staff. 

Offline Swampman

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I've read several polls conducted on US service members that said the majority of them would confiscate arms from the citizens if ordered to do so.
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

1st Special Operations Wing 1975-1983
919th Special Operations Wing  1983-1985 1993-1994

"Manus haec inimica tyrannis / Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem" ~Algernon Sidney~

Offline Dee

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I'm no tough guy,  but I sure hope if anything bad happens, that there would be someone fighting back somehow,  I sure would agree that using our heads would be better,  and staying alive as long as possible is better too.  Just a real sad thought that Americans would just lay down altogether and not even try if there was some force cracking down on us.

Shoot...what got me going in the first place was talk of burying our guns....I could not bury them guns.
I'd forget where I buried em! 

Well jimster, the first thing that has to be determined is, will there be a reason to fight. Over-reacting most of the time is worse than not reacting. No one here has any idea what this administration that has not yet even taken over, will be like.
There is no doubt that the dems will tax you out the wazoo if possible, but other than that I have a wait and see attitude. The much revered Supreme Court has for the time being, settled the 2nd Amendment issue. There was much gloom and doom when Clinton took over, and prophecy of the final blow to freedom was dreaded when he won his second and final term. Everyone thought he would make his big move, and nothing happened. We amazingly survived.
I intend to quietly watch and see what happens next. Then I will have a better idea of what I need to do, which may end up being nothing but live my life as I am. I am not ready to declare a bunker mentality yet.
I am also not going to get on the Internet and start calling for massive ammo orders, and start burying stuff. Why not just take an add out in the D.C. papers instead.
I have been a Boy Scout all my life in my way of living. I am always somewhat prepared for what ever life deals out. Scripture says that GOD HIMSELF, has in the past, and will in the future decide whom will be ruler over countries. This was obviously God's will or Obama would not have been elected. I certainly didn't vote for him, but enough obviously did to put him where he is. I will wait and see.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline bilmac

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The USofA is not mentioned in end times prophecy. Lets hope he returns before we have to become old fat soldiers.

Offline Dee

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Well bilmac, neither is Wal Mart or Exxon-Mobil. Let's hope he returns before we run out of fishin lures and gasoline too.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett