Author Topic: Well boys, This is it  (Read 2069 times)

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Offline Greenmtnboy66

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Re: Well boys, This is it
« Reply #30 on: November 06, 2008, 06:30:52 AM »
To all you Obama and 3rd party guys, well it looks like you're getting what you deserve.  As for me, I feel like you should have bought me dinner before you did that to me.   >:(

The Republican party lost because it's lost it's conservative base.
The party has forsaken it's conservative platform for a liberal one, and THAT is why it lost. Not because of the third party vote.

If you want to blame someone........Blame G.W. Bush for 8 years of failure.
I know some staunch Republicans that voted for Obummer, because they thought McCain would just follow GW's failed policies. They believed Obummer's CHANGE message! (What ever that means)

Blame yourself for not voting for any of the others in the Republican Primaries. (Except Rudy G.) Another Liberal.

Blame the weather, Global warming!,but don't lay that crap on those of us, that voted for the Libertarian, or Constitution party.

I can blame anyone who voted for anyone other than McCain.  Their vote for another coservative just broke the only party's chance for any future change against Obama and the Marxists.  If one cannot see that, then he is as emotional and ignorant of our electorate process as any communist or socialist.  Many have attempted to enlighten people about third party votes and what the results were going to be on GBO.  Most ignored them as sheeple comments.  Now the result is just like what the Obama maniacs have wanted all along.  A division in the Contract with America with the firearms owners arguing among themselves over twindling differences.  When our firearms go, all other rights go with them, including your free speach, religion, press, eminent domain, individualism of castle doctrine and loss of petition for grievances.  Obama's Civilian Defense Force will take care of anyone who disagrees with his policies.  Yes, I do blame third party voters and the ignorant racial divide that voted this Manchurian Candidate to the Presidency.  If one looks at the Democratic Congress with its 17% rating, not only did more Dems gain control of both houses, it gained them with incumbents like Murtha.  I don't care what others think of my post, I"m talking the truth.

I hope your not insinuating I'm a sheep.
The sheeple voted for the two party baaaaaby.
Don't blame me for having a conscience and if you were truly a educated voter you would know that the Republicans still have enough to filibuster.
So have a nice day and take a chill pill.

Offline Singleshotsam

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Re: Well boys, This is it
« Reply #31 on: November 06, 2008, 07:21:41 AM »
To all you Obama and 3rd party guys, well it looks like you're getting what you deserve.  As for me, I feel like you should have bought me dinner before you did that to me.

Give me a break,

Out of the 23 choices that were not Obama or McCain according to

There were a total of 1,571,103 votes 3rd party... Ralph Nador received less than 1% of the popular vote and had the most 3rd party votes...

64,236,198 votes for Obama
56,623,741 votes for McCain

So if every person who voted 3rd party voted for McCain instead McCain would have had 58,194,844
McCain would have still lost to Obama by 6,041,354... Not to mention Obama's blowout in Electoral votes...
Obama had 349 electoral votes
McCain had 163
26 Undecided...

So why should any person that voted 3rd party owe you anything... McCain got torn a newone in both electoral votes and popular votes... Get over it.  It's not 3rd party's fault.

You wanna feel like somebody owes you dinner... get convinced by everybody on here to vote McCain, and then watch McCain fold before you states votes are even counted... So next time I vote it will be 3rd party regardless...

I'm voting 3rd party in this election by writing in Jesus Christ for president.  Sadly even if this were an option most of you would still vote Republican because "It's a two party system."

Offline Swampman

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Re: Well boys, This is it
« Reply #32 on: November 06, 2008, 07:48:01 AM »
.. So next time I vote it will be 3rd party regardless...

Then it will be your fault next time too.
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

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Re: Well boys, This is it
« Reply #33 on: November 06, 2008, 08:01:33 AM »
hind sight
 is  2020

watch  this  again  til  you  comprehend   the  seriousness
of  the problem

imagine  if  the  3rd  party vote  was  as big  as  Ross Perrot
and  MCCAIN  had  a  chance then  he  more  assuredly  would  have  won

you  may  have  to click  on  more  vidios  if  it  does't  go   strait  to  it
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

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Offline Singleshotsam

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Re: Well boys, This is it
« Reply #34 on: November 06, 2008, 08:21:36 AM »
What your not getting is that there wasn't a lot of votes for any 3rd party... You guys are just pissed that Obama one by a landslide... I'm pissed because McCain conceded the election before Missouri was even counted... so essentially my vote for president didn't even count...  >:(

If anyone on here wants to keep blaming 3rd party voters for the outcome of this election then your idiots... The numbers are there and they don't lie... You can't blame 3rd party voters in this election.

People were tired of the Bush admin and the Republican party.  The Republicans were in power for a long time and they squandered their advantage.  Now the Dems have it.  Lets hope they squander their advantage also. 
I'm voting 3rd party in this election by writing in Jesus Christ for president.  Sadly even if this were an option most of you would still vote Republican because "It's a two party system."

Offline Heather

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Re: Well boys, This is it
« Reply #35 on: November 06, 2008, 08:25:39 AM »
People were tired of the Bush admin and the Republican party.  The Republicans were in power for a long time and they squandered their advantage.  Now the Dems have it.  Lets hope they squander their advantage also. 

Could we really be that lucky?

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Offline Swampman

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Re: Well boys, This is it
« Reply #36 on: November 06, 2008, 08:37:25 AM »
... The numbers are there and they don't lie... You can't blame 3rd party voters in this election.

The write-ins were not counted.  Third party voters caused this mess again.
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

1st Special Operations Wing 1975-1983
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Offline Singleshotsam

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Re: Well boys, This is it
« Reply #37 on: November 06, 2008, 08:38:38 AM »
I refer back to my previous statement...
I'm voting 3rd party in this election by writing in Jesus Christ for president.  Sadly even if this were an option most of you would still vote Republican because "It's a two party system."

Offline Heather

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Re: Well boys, This is it
« Reply #38 on: November 06, 2008, 08:44:33 AM »
Figures NEVER lie, but Liars do the figuring!!!  :- >:(

Strive for complete serenity in all aspects of life.

A closed mind is often closed to the truth!

Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and loose both...Ben Franklin

Offline Swampman

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Re: Well boys, This is it
« Reply #39 on: November 06, 2008, 09:00:26 AM »
I refer back to my previous statement...

That would be your false statement.
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

1st Special Operations Wing 1975-1983
919th Special Operations Wing  1983-1985 1993-1994

"Manus haec inimica tyrannis / Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem" ~Algernon Sidney~

Offline deltecs

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Re: Well boys, This is it
« Reply #40 on: November 06, 2008, 10:12:58 AM »
It is not about voting third party, it is about the conservative division in the Republican party that the Dems have and are taking advantage of.   The liberal Dems don't care how it gets done, just get it done through fair or foul means.  The negative comments regarding the Iraq war from Cindy Sheehan to both Rep and Dems, at first for and then flip flopping against, has divided and polarized this country into small petty parties. The platforms of the conservatives now have political parties Independence, Constitution, Alaska Indedence, and others that only divide the conservatives.  The Dems have embraced all opposition political persuassion and really has no platform, other than social reform and social programs with bigger government.  Naturally they will have a larger constituency.  We conservatives need to find a common platform within one party. to overcome the stranglehold of the Dems on the American people.  We need to get together and counter the Dems in the major States cities.  It doesn't matter if we all cannot agree with everything on the platform, just the major issues.  I certainly do not agree with everything that any of the conservative partys' platforms manfesto aspire to.  We have a couple of years before another Congressional election.  That is 2010, which will be extremely important as it is the National Census year whereby some States will lose representation and others will gain.  We need to be sure the redistricting precincts from this census is representative of the election areas.  We need to influence undecideds in the major cities to vote conservative, instead of voting for liberal Dems. 
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

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Re: Well boys, This is it
« Reply #41 on: November 06, 2008, 12:46:32 PM »
add  the  3rd  party  votes  with  the  unknown  number  of  stolen  votes by  acorn

anyone  prosecuted  yet for voter registration   your  congressman

or  are  the  wimpy  REPUBLICANS  afraid  of  looking  like  sore  loosers?
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

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Re: Well boys, This is it
« Reply #42 on: November 07, 2008, 04:11:12 AM »
seems like some will vote 3rd party next time , lets all do so then they won't be wasting their vote !
Why cut down the people who had the courage to say enough is enough ! Lets face it if they did cause the defeat then the rest of us can see their point and learn from it ! They were tired of business as it has been . Maybe they have forced the start of change not Obama .
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline gstewart44

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Re: Well boys, This is it
« Reply #43 on: November 07, 2008, 05:16:30 AM »
I voted for Mac and Sarah.   I am sorry they lost but it is what it is.   I can't quite understand some who are blaming 3rd party votes for Obama getting elected.   If anyone looks at the total votes received by all 3rd party candidates vs how far ahead BHO was with the final tally it is no contest.   If all the 3rd party votes had swung to McCain,  BHO still would have won by 4million.    Please stop the blaming.  I respect any individual that votes their conscience.   Blaming 3rd party voters now is not the answer.
I'm just tryin' to keep everything in balance, Woodrow. You do more work than you got to, so it's my obligation to do less. (Gus McCrae)

Offline Swampman

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Re: Well boys, This is it
« Reply #44 on: November 07, 2008, 05:18:54 AM »
Very few states count write-ins.  Millions of Ron Paul votes went in the trash.
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

1st Special Operations Wing 1975-1983
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Re: Well boys, This is it
« Reply #45 on: November 07, 2008, 08:36:41 AM »
Look at it a different way , if either party was worth a d--- there would be no third party !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !