With enough pressure, they will listen. We have to do this constantly, like 45-70 said, be vigiliant about what is going on, then write, call, email, get your wives, friends and neighbors to do the same. Write the letters your self, maybe type them, print them out, get friends, relatives and neighbors to sign them personally, then mail them all in. Flood your congress critter and senators constantly. If they want to get re-elected, they will eventually listen. That is our only hope for now. Remember Bill Clinton in 1993 tried to ram the liberal agenda down our throats, and America responded by electing Republicans to Congress and Senate. Kept him at bay and made him move to the middle the rest of his term. Congress balanced the budget under Newt Gingrich and Clinton got credit. Bush screwed up what was handed to him. He did however let the assault weapons ban expire and didn't reintroduce it. Pray, pray, pray, write, write, write, call, call, call, email, email, email. Keep the pressure up, especially to your guys who have dems and rinos elected. Mine representative and Senators are very conservative, so I haven't any complaints, but you other guys have to really work at it. We can't let the libs steamroll over us. This not only goes for guns, but excessive spending, socialism, high taxes. Everything. It only takes 3% of the people to be highly active and it represents (to elected officials anyways) 50% of the people. This is how gays, blacks, etc, get so much accomplished. A 3% very highly active and vocal group of them. Email petitions don't really work, it takes real paper petitions and real phone calls, and a flooding of emails. An individual flood of letters works better than one letter with a petition. It overwhelms the system. Also, a flood of phone calls, emails, and letters to tv and radio stations constantly. A flood of them to advertisers of these liberal tv and radio stations helps cut into their profits also if they cancel advertising. MSNBC an NBC are two in particular we should not only boycot, but write, email and call them and their sponsers. Type up letters and get your chruches, hunting clubs, gun clubs, family, friends, to sign these letters, and you mail it in for them. Flood them.