NGH: Some of us have already been looking at doing just that. I'm a follower of OLD JOE.
For the uninformed, Joe Vogler was an old man that demanded the Federal Government live up to it's promises made during the Statehood Act that made Alaska a state. At first many people just blew him off as a hot head. But then people started realizing that he was right. People listened and their voices were heard. Joe started the Alaska Independence Party, saying if the Federal government did not live up to it's legal obligations, he was going to legally partition for Independence for Alaska. The movement started to grow, then Old Joe was assassinated.
If anarchy breaks out and the government starts to fail, we will get stronger. With the exception of the Seattle Suburbs (southeastern) and Anchorage, the rest of Alaska is united. We all think alike, and have the same interest. We realize how badly the Federal Government has screwed us over. And we are tired of it.