Author Topic: Can we ever heal?  (Read 697 times)

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Offline rockbilly

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Can we ever heal?
« on: November 05, 2008, 10:00:30 AM »
I received this from a friend this morning.........We don't always agree, but we do on this one.

Well, it has happened. Barack Obama will be “our” next president. Let me rephrase that. He’ll be someone’s next president. He’s not mine.

I can’t  follow a “leader” who doesn’t have any real leadership experience. I can’t follow someone who doesn’t clearly see the path for himself, let alone a whole nation. I can’t follow someone who will abandon his “church” because it fits some political agenda. I can’t follow a leader who desecrates the memory of countless individuals who have given their blood, sweat, tears and their very lives to protect the freedoms we enjoy in this country. The man won’t honor the flag. The man won’t honor our national anthem. What will he honor? Who will he honor, as “our” president?

I’m glad that so many people saw fit to actually get out and cast their vote. I’m saddened to see that many of these votes were cast because of the color of a man’s skin. There were those who, mockingly, but accurately, pointed out that many people had no idea about “their” candidate’s position on the very real issues in “our” country today, or for that matter, who his running mate was! All these voters saw was the color of Mr. Obama’s skin. And, that alone, was good enough for them. After all, if a black man is president he most certainly will take care of “us” before he takes care of “them”. My questions is, define “us” and “them”.

I’m very worried this morning. I’m worried about how long it will be before this country that I love will be thrown into an all out civil war. I’m worried about the country my children and grandchildren will have to grow and live in. I’m afraid that we are seeing the beginning of the end of the once great nation of the United States of America.

I do live in a state that had the foresight to put a plan into place for just such an eventuality. Texas can legally and without too much trouble secede from the union.  We saw fit to live under our own flag before. I believe that now is the time to do it again. I’ve seen Gov. Perry stand up and pay the proper respect to the flag and the national anthem. All good Texans will have to agree here.

I’m not saying that we should take up arms and take hostile action against the U.S.A. I’m saying that Texas should secede, take our oil reserves, refineries, crops, taxes and political support, and simply  … leave. Let the “bleeding heart liberals” have the bed that they’ve made for themselves. For me and my family, we’ll take our horses, guns and freedoms and ride quietly into the Texas sunset.

Offline deltecs

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Re: Can we ever heal?
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2008, 10:14:13 AM »
I for one sincerely hope Texas attempts to secede.  This would be the catalyst for federal intervention to prevent it.  Many States would side with Texas, while many others would not.  Yes, then a civil war would be ignited.  Would the outcome be in favor of our Constitution or would the liberal Marxists win?  Who knows.  But at least it is a chance for our Republic to get back on track to constructionist Constitutional principles.  We won't have one after Obama and an extremely liberal Congress.
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Offline Dee

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Re: Can we ever heal?
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2008, 12:07:14 PM »
A "civil war" indeed. This like most "civil wars", would not be very civil. The last civil war was fought with muzzle loading rifles, and cannon, and cap and ball pistols.
I would wonder how long the Marlin 3030, the AR15, and the Romanian Ak47 semi's would last under drone war planes, state of the art GPS guided missiles, Abrams tanks, and carpet bombing into oblivion. F-16s, state of the art night vision, and laser guided ordinance.
One must be careful what one hopes for. I for one, had rather try and accomplish change at the voting booth FIRST. If a fight is required, then let us fight. I have been asked to fight in the past, and was glad to do it, but, the goal was well defined, and all else had failed. We should not speculate on what is not yet known. I believe the term is "borrowing trouble".
One might venture to say that American troops won't fire on American citizens, ala Posse Comitatus. Kent State comes to mind with that thought. Many troops would not, but many would indeed. The election was yesterday, and already we are talking the end, when the beginning has yet to start. Calm alertness, should be the thought, to at least first access the situation. JMOO
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline myronman3

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Re: Can we ever heal?
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2008, 01:54:56 PM »
agree with dee.     
  but if anyone did go against the advice of "dont mess with Texas", they had better remember that not all Texans are in Texas. 
   if a plan was put forth to let the moron libs have the east, and the  west and alaska were to become a seperate nation, i can not say i would be against it.  i would trade my place here for a place i liked elsewhere pretty fast.   they can have their liberal ways and laws.   

Offline Dee

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Re: Can we ever heal?
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2008, 03:03:35 PM »
myronman3, I believe separation from the U.S. with the secession Texas would indeed be a good thing if practical.
Sam Houston once said: Texas can make it without the United States, but the United States cannot make it without Texas.
The dooms day scenarios going on right now have taken on the flavor of daytime drama on TV.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: Can we ever heal?
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2008, 03:10:48 PM »
The dooms day scenarios going on right now have taken on the flavor of daytime drama on TV.

boy aint that the truth.  it is getting pretty sickening to read over, and over, and over.   it is good to see at least some havent lost the ability to be reasonable. 

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Re: Can we ever heal?
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2008, 03:12:34 PM »
agree with dee.     
  but if anyone did go against the advice of "dont mess with Texas", they had better remember that not all Texans are in Texas. 
   if a plan was put forth to let the moron libs have the east, and the  west and alaska were to become a seperate nation, i can not say i would be against it.  i would trade my place here for a place i liked elsewhere pretty fast.   they can have their liberal ways and laws.   
i forgot to add, i'd let them keep kalifornia, too.  or maybe just let mexico run it and see if they pander to the liberal knuckleheads.   

Offline bilmac

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Re: Can we ever heal?
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2008, 03:18:34 PM »
The liberals are supposed to be the non-violence guys, maybe they would just let the sane states leave the union without a fight.

Offline Dee

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Re: Can we ever heal?
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2008, 03:42:03 PM »
Now there's a thought bilmac. I honestly though have never figured out why we took California, and El Paso away from Mexico.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline myronman3

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Re: Can we ever heal?
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2008, 03:46:43 PM »
VERY GOOD point bilmac.... perhaps we are giving these muldoons more credit than they deserve... but then again, who would they take from if they let us go?   :o

Offline gypsyman

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Re: Can we ever heal?
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2008, 04:09:00 PM »
Not sure if we'll ever heal. Some of the boys in the south havn't admitted the north won that war 150 years ago. Instead of worrying about healing, or secedeing from the Union, maybe this federal government needs a wake up call. Wonder what might happen, if say, Memorial day,2009, about a million or 2, REAL Americans, showed up in Washington,DC. Not really as a protest march, more of a warning march. How about the ''Don't Piss us off March". Just a little reminder, of who those numbnuts work for. Guess that you could call it a pre-emptive strike.  gypsyman
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman

Offline Dee

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Re: Can we ever heal?
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2008, 04:13:09 PM »
I expect they would react to it the same way they did, when the phone systems were overloaded and shut down with calls protesting the bail out.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline nomosendero

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Re: Can we ever heal?
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2008, 04:14:07 PM »
The liberals are supposed to be the non-violence guys, maybe they would just let the sane states leave the union without a fight.

No, they would do like allways & call security.
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Offline williamlayton

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Re: Can we ever heal?
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2008, 07:59:54 PM »
We lost because we didn't do the right things and they did.
We have two years too get ready for the next election and get off our butts.
Secede? OMG, that would be the worse thing we could do.
Quit crying and start doing something.
A third party is not the answer either. Get in and work with the party, Republican, who has a chance.
It is your party also.