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Offline slim rem 7

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some thoughts
« on: November 06, 2008, 12:19:34 PM »
 obama may very well have quit his muslim religion, because the muslim powers that be, knew he couldn t get elected as a full blown muzlim.. think about it..
 if thats the case look for a lull in the jehiad,while the liberals weaken this countries
military might as mr. carter did..all this time the quiet muslims in this country will be coming to the front and mabe for the first time reading what the koran tells them they have to leaves no doubt.. as it becomes safer to come out ,no doubt we ll see what they really believe.. i mean thier either muzlims or not muzlims..
 really no middle grnd allowed according to thier book.
 all rules an humane treatment is for people of the fold .. the infidel is to be executed.. be he liberal or conservative..its there in black an white folks..
 i posted earlier about the possibilities ..
  now what i said about obama may be wrong.. in that case hes just being used because he was in the right place at the right time..if hes a christen as some say,,he ll do every thing to preserve the country that has existed to provide a place where people were free to choose as the bible teaches..the only time christens ever tried force as to being christion it was an dismal failure
because its totally aginst every thing christ stood for.. in other wds the choice is each individuals to make..christions know that the end of this life is just the beginning of the rest of time.,for its not the most important thing when death takes place ..gonna happen to everybody anyway..oh well just got to think some today.slim

Offline slim rem 7

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Re: some thoughts
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2008, 01:09:47 AM »
 a bump folks . sorry im not better at using the written word..
  but a fighter is never gonna give up .. now a christen fighter..
 any an i mean any enemy better hope a bunch of them don t get organised to face an enemy.. be he jehiad of apparently satans church or agnostic , humanist or atheist ,liberal or otherwise..if its the creators will ,you will fall in the face ofum..thats if it were his will ,but im not sayin it is.. the book kinda makes me think ,we christens better just get right in our core.. and don t worry about this thing..gather you young and make sure they have the opportunity to know and except him..
 hmm..sure a good day to get ready for a deer hunt ,aint it.
 enjoy the gift of this day.

Offline billy_56081

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Re: some thoughts
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2008, 01:21:03 AM »
SR7 the Muzzie lovers on this sight say we have nothing to worry about from the Muslims, after all there are only a few bad ones amongst all the good ones. Or so they say! These silly ignorant folks have never been amongst them in thier natural state. They have only heard from their teachers, or talked to the sleepers at the 7-11. I been there and seen em. Take heed! They are not the peaceful fellers you think they are. They are followers of a sick cult and will only accept that you will follow thier cult or die.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline slim rem 7

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Re: some thoughts
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2008, 02:06:25 AM »
  amen to that.. the evil that men do when they choose thier on selfish way.. brother you sound like  another i read of. . cut a fellers ear slam off .. christ built his church on that individual..

Offline LaOtto222

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Re: some thoughts
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2008, 02:41:33 AM »
I know that some people have gotten the impression from some of my posts that I hate Obama and I hate anyone who voted for him. That is simply not true. I believe in the process and I believe in the Constitution. The Constitution is our road map how run this country and conduct ourselves. One of the amendments of the Constitution is freedom of expression or speech (#1), anther the right to bare arms (#2), still another that everyman is created equal (#13). Amendment #1 of the constitution also guarantees religious freedom. When our forefathers wrote this they were thinking about their succession from England and England's insistence of what religion to practice. The Pilgrims came to Plymouth rock and the reason they did was to flee religious persecution in England. They were not thinking about the Muslim faith when they wrote the Constitution. I think I know what you are thinking right now, and you are wrong. The Constitution guarantees religious freedom. I think the forefather were very wise and for the most part what they wrote over 200 years ago still is valid today; so to me that includes the Muslims along with Hindus and the many others. However they all must follow the laws of the United States regardless of religion. Some Muslims believe that it is their religion or none. To push that they will commit treason and murder, that my friends is not religious freedom. I have no room for those types (no matter their religion) and they should be pursued and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. However it is difficult to root these people out, because of other guarantees we have. It makes us suspicious of anyone affiliated with that religion. Let us not; let our suspicions rule the day it is important that we follow the laws and guidelines set down for us. What is disturbing about Obahma is that he has so many ties to the Muslim faith and even has a Muslim middle name that we are not allowed to use. He continues to deny any affiliation with Muslims, yet he went to the heart of Israel and said that the city belongs to the Palestinians. Very disturbing to me.
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