well I was fairly sure it was my handloads, but I didn't know what I should look for.
I will check the roll crimp. I can tell which round will not fire as soon as I close the action. It just doesnt quite "click" the same. But with the long 410 chamber, I was at a loss as to why some cartridges wouldn't allow the action to close.
On a related note, is the 410 chamber larger in diameter? The reason I ask is there appears to be gas leaking back past the outside of the brass along the chamber wall and back into the action.
Could powder fouling in the action cause the misfires,and do I have an unsafe condition?
The cases are blackened partway back the case on the ouside of the case.
I've had that happen in revolvers already with low pressure loads that don't expand the cases fully against the chamber wall, but this is 20.5 grns of H-110 behind a 300 grn sierra JSP. I was thinking the generous freebore was lowering pressures, preventing the case from expanding fully.
Anyway thanks for the replies, and I will check the roll crimp and also see if the cases drop flush with the barrel