Author Topic: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.  (Read 3970 times)

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Offline WylieKy

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Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« on: November 07, 2008, 05:48:07 AM »
The spin doctor's really messed her up IMHO.
When she speaks on her own her charisma, intelligence, and character truly shine.  She is a very special woman.  However, I think that the way the Republican Party.....branded (for lack of a better term) her shows what they really think about their constituents. They turned a strong willed, intelligent, insightful governor into....a soccer (hockey) mom.  Pretty, smart but a little ditsy, and kind of b^%#chy.  Just who I want to car pool with or make sure we have reservations at the pizza joint after the game, BUT NOT WHO I WANT TO BE VP OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!!  Who were they trying to appeal to? 
1. John McCain is an idiot, and picked a mediocre running mate.
2. John McCain thinks his constituents are idiots, and thought that fake you betcha's and y'alls would win votes.
3. John McCain was afraid of being upstaged after she hit the spotlight and decided to reign her in.

I think Sara Palin is easily a match for Hilary, or really for just about everyone else.  The things that can't be taught are there...intelligence, charisma, integrity, and insightfullness.  The rest will come with seasoning.  Hopefully she will be able to make it over this hump and strike out on her own....

Sara Palin-Independant/Libertarian anyone???
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Offline slim rem 7

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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2008, 06:08:21 AM »
 i think im with you.. but i think the republican party should wake up an see her for what she is .. the ticket back.. but don t try an controll her ,shes smarter than all ofum.. let her run the offence and let her showum how too win this thing back in four years ,possibly with a congress that will help her get something done... you can bet one thing for sure ..the press and liberals realize her potential.. tthey going to do everything they can to discredit her..that will be her real test .. reagan whipped them at thier on game . shes a lot prettier than he was.jmo :)
 imagine a president as pretty a she is,,not that that should  matter..
 but some at least now see ole whats[ oops our soon to be,president [respect for the system] as a pretty margaret thatcher was one of the best leaders england ever had so anybody but a died in the wool muslim knows women can lead as well ..
  [that gave me an idea for another post..]

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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2008, 06:10:49 AM »
Sara Palin-Independant/Libertarian anyone???

Then I wouldn't be able to vote for her.  I'll never waste my vote on a 3rd party canidate.
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2008, 08:44:32 AM »
Palin-Jindal or Jindal-Palin in 2012.  Let's retake our country, starting now.

What do Palin and Jindal offer?
    - 2 very popular and effective governors
    - Great executive experience in 2 key energy producing states
    - Youth and vitality
    - Solid conservative social values
    - Demographic and geographic diversity (if this really appeals to anyone)

We now know all the details about Sarah.  Look at Bobby Jindal's biography:

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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2008, 08:50:30 AM »
"Solid conservative social values"

That is the problem, the Republicrap Party has left conservative values for the RINOs - as evidenced by McCain and Arnie.  Unless grassroots gets involved, the power players at the top will not allow true conservatives to threaten the Party's present position. Course the fact the media will grill any real conservative - example: Ron Paul - makes that challenge even bigger.

Offline Heather

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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2008, 08:51:30 AM »
Palin/Paul 2012  ;)

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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2008, 09:41:33 AM »
It was the opposite down here.  I voted for McCain because of Palin, and so did a lot of other people.  I think the best person to run is a good conservative, a governor, not part of the Washington crowd, with a background of conservative values.  That way they have executive experience, and a voting record. 

Offline WylieKy

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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2008, 09:56:13 AM »
I live in an urban east coast area, and it is said that 28% of conservatives voted for Obama because of Palin. ..she didn't fly well in urban areas with urban voters. You must carry urban areas if you want to win electoral college votes. In the aftermath of the McCain crash and how they badmouthed Palin, I'd say the inner GOP ruling cadre is done with her...she was just good window dressing to try to get the old man elected...but now we're going to see them put distance between her and the ruling elite GOP.  Maybe I'm wrong but we'll see...especially if she finagles a senate seat.


She did not do well because she was made to look like....good window dressing.  I think that you are correct in the the RNC is done with her.  I think that they realized that they invited the fox into the henhouse when the invited her into their midst, and they will move quickly to discredit her to eliminate a threat.  Keep in mind that this woman pretty much took over her state party without it's blessing by.....pure force of will and integrity vs. insider cronyism and $.  I like some of Ron Paul's ideas.... Unfortunately he has no concept of how to speak in public and has the charisma of an asthmatic dung beetle (No offence, Ron!) Great adviser and/or cabinet member, but campaign suicide if picked as a running mate.
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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2008, 10:06:15 AM »
Of course the old power players in the Republican party blame Palin for the beating their selected living fossil took in the election:  She is a female and those guys passionately believe that females have no place in their Republican party.   
It does not surpise me that the neutered, power hungry panjandrums who are fighting over the crumbs of an imploding Republican party are blaming their shellacking on Palin.  They never blame themselves:  It is always the fault of someone else.  Never mind that their message is the same warmed over Rovesque rhetoric that cost the Republican party the house and senate in 06.

Offline Heather

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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2008, 10:11:59 AM »
She did not do well because she was made to look like....good window dressing.  I think that you are correct in the the RNC is done with her.  I think that they realized that they invited the fox into the henhouse when the invited her into their midst, and they will move quickly to discredit her to eliminate a threat.  Keep in mind that this woman pretty much took over her state party without it's blessing by.....pure force of will and integrity vs. insider cronyism and $.  I like some of Ron Paul's ideas.... Unfortunately he has no concept of how to speak in public and has the charisma of an asthmatic dung beetle (No offence, Ron!) Great adviser and/or cabinet member, but campaign suicide if picked as a running mate.

You are right about Ron Paul in some ways.  He does lack charisma, but his only problem with public speaking is he speaks too logically for a politician.  His common sense approach is blunt, to the point, and lays the truth right out there in the open.  He doesn't sparkle and shine like some, but he is intelligent, informed, and honest.  Yeah it sure would be a shame to see him on the ballots.  No one in America would vote for this honest citizen because he is too straight to the point and doesn't bother sparkling up his speeches.  

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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2008, 11:40:13 AM »

  I am still for Palin, I Don't a pick for running mate for her, unless is senior senater
  from Texas. Kay Bailey Hutchsion. Just M2 Cents. Marv.

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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2008, 12:08:22 PM »
You are right about Ron Paul in some ways. He does lack charisma, but his only problem with public speaking is he speaks too logically for a politician. His common sense approach is blunt, to the point, and lays the truth right out there in the open.

I only wish that more people would have appreciated his method. His blunt, truthful, to the point, common sense approach was exactly what I liked about him as a candidate.

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Offline ironglow

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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2008, 12:58:43 PM »
   I am angry because some of the "country club" set of Republicans are trying to trash her now, in an effort to cover up the stupid idea of continually trying to run "sophisticated gentlemen" that won't get down and scrap it out with the Democrats. They are too stupid and stubborn to admit that without Sarah their ticket would have done much worse. Sarah was the only REAL human being of the four competing on election evening !
  I could go along with Heather, next time make it a Palin/Paul ticket in that order Palin could provide the fire and charisma that Paul didn't exhibit. As I said earlier, Paul had the best domestic program by far, (IMO) he was just a bit weak on foreign policy...but Sarah could fill that in.
  Do they have to be Republican to get my vote? Certainly not! they could run under a new 3rd party label..something like "Christian-libertarians" or perhaps the "Constutionalists" or "Heritage" party....   I rather like the "Heritage" label, it could include traditionalists, Constitutionalists, Christians, hunters & gun owners, free enterprise advocates, anti excessive tax people and anyone else that likes the traditional America we grew up in and loved. etc. It would then be a big tent for so many...and if necessary, the Heritage party could at times, call upon the Republicans to form a coalition to restrain the Dem/Socialists.
   If a 3rd party is to have any must start NOW in order to have momentum come 4 more years..
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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2008, 03:44:01 PM »

  I am still for Palin, I Don't a pick for running mate for her, unless is senior senater
  from Texas. Kay Bailey Hutchsion. Just M2 Cents. Marv.

I would vote for Palin if she DIDN'T pick Hutchinson. Kay Bailey, and Cornyn voted FOR THE BAIL OUT. She sold us out as did our other senator. Both Texas Senators HELPED Socialize our banking system. I voted AGAINST Cornyn this time, and I will vote AGAINST Hutchinson whether she runs for the Senate again, or the Governor's office. Also anyone whom CLAIMS, to be for freedom should take her vote for Socialism VERY SERIOUSLY.

As for Ron Paul, although he is no longer in the political mix and the presidency has already been decided. Since when did charisma become a qualification for being able to make good decisions concerning governing. It would seem that America's voters have become "a mile wide, and an inch deep".
Ron Paul stood on the podium during the primaries, and told the truth, while the other candidates lied out their asses. They promised things that they could not deliver, and Americans fell for it AGAIN.
And what did American voters do? They chose the shiny ones, until all were gone except someone (McCain) whom could not garner enough following to win, and had already proven it in 2000, when he was running an ANTI-2nd Amendment candidacy.
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Offline Swampman

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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2008, 03:53:52 PM »
I'm hoping we've seen the last of Ron Paul.
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

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Offline ironglow

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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2008, 03:54:41 PM »
Dee;  As I said earlier during the primaries, charisma may not mean a thing to you or me or some others, but unfortunately it is a necessary ingredient in any election...some folks just need it or their vote goes elsewhere. Some of those folks are needed to carry a majority in  any election.
   Look how many people raved over Obama's "eloquence"...when we knew full well that the eloquence was not his, but that of some speech writers and all that "eloquence" deserted him when he had to speak extemporaneously. Joe the plumber was a good example of his "eloquence" failing him..
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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2008, 04:22:32 PM »
ironglow, Obama is living proof of my point. He is a shell "with" charisma. The American people chose PRESENCE over CONTENT. McCain was a candidate with neither charisma OR content, and he had been rejected before. Perhaps he will now get the message, take his fortune and go home.
In the mean time, I will be very attentive to Mr. Obama's moves. Hopefully by the time his first term (hopefully there will not be a 2nd) is up, America will get some heart, crawl out of their rut, and seek the truth before they vote. We shall see.
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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2008, 05:43:34 PM »
It will be very simple to figure this one out. Let her run for Pres. on her own two legs, if she survives she has the right stuff. If she should fail, well maybe that is a good thing too. The Pres. needs to be able to play hardball in a world full of hardball players. A tough campaign tends to weed out the weak of spirit as well as weak minded, both are necessary. Pete Rose won through force of will where talent and athletic ability may have stopped other players.

I wish her well, and hope she rises to the challenge. I do think she can relate to the problems of normal people, and hope she is at the same time much more than an average American. She is easy on the eyes, pleasant to listen to, and very motivational, now I want to see some political street fighter come out in her. A term as a U.S. Senator would be great, let the country see her in action for a while.

I do not agree with many of Obama's positions, but understand, the man did what it took to get himself into the White House. He fought smart with the tools he had, he did what it took. Now we need to do the same, do the best we can with what we have, not lay down and feel sorry for ourselves.
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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2008, 07:30:03 PM »
And you have to have national name recognition along with party support.  Look at what the latest poll indicates about Palin. 

New Poll: Palin a GOP Rock Star
Friday, November 7, 2008 10:13 PM

Despite some news reports suggesting otherwise, a new poll shows that Sarah Palin was a definite asset to John McCain in his run for the White House.

According to a Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey, 69 percent of Republican voters say the Alaska governor helped McCain’s bid for the presidency. Twenty percent of GOP voters said she hurt the ticket, six percent said she had no effect, and 5 percent were undecided.

Other results of the poll:

91 percent of Republicans have a favorable view of Palin.

65 percent of Republicans have a very favorable view of Palin.

8 percent of Republicans have an unfavorable view of Palin.

3 percent of Republicans have a very unfavorable view of Palin.

64 percent of Republicans say Palin is their top choice for the GOP 2012 presidential nominee.

12 percent of Republicans say Mike Huckabee is their top choice for the GOP 2012 presidential nominee.

11 percent of Republicans say Mitt Romney is their top choice for the GOP 2012 presidential nominee.

© 2008 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

Ron Paul never got that much support from the Republican Party.  It may or may not be time for a woman President, but she has more support than any other woman politician in the Nation right now.  She is favored 5:1 over Huckabee or Romney for 2012.
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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2008, 11:41:16 PM »
Get over it boys, we lost.
Why in the world do you folks keep looking too the next president??
The head of the snake is Congress, not the president.
We have a number of elections we can win before we get too the next popularity contest.

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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #20 on: November 08, 2008, 12:09:32 AM »
Right Wm..we lost..and we must face the fact that we are likely to face hostility from the same biased & crooked media that we have faced for the last few decades. We are also likely to face the willing million$$ that the likes of Soros and perhaps some Muslim countries are willing to filter into OUR elections. That is exactly why any 3rd party effort must start now, working toward getting locals..up to congressional seats, elected.
    We will have to remember though, that we are dealing with a different breed of "democrat" than we have dealt with before. In times past, most all Americans realized that we had to keep at least 2 parties afloat in order to keep a debate going to assure that people have a choice and indicate which way THE PEOPLE want the country to head into. Today's leftists are a ruthless bunch, not content to simply win an election, but doing their best to continue on with a cooperative media in efforts to smear, distort and otherwise destroy their competition. Sarah Palin is a good example of this (and the clubbers..are helping them)! They have learned the techniques well from their Communist teachers. Remember, it was Obama's good pal, Wm Ayers that put forth a plan to "re-educate" the 250 million Americans that don't accept Marxism..then "eliminate" the roughly 25,000 that don't accept that indoctrination. No surprise there, the same process had to be done in the early years of the Soviet Union, the Republic of China, Korea, Cuba, Vietnam and virtually every country that ever sank onder the yoke of Marxism.
       Frankly, it looks every day as if the only cure for the grip of the leftists on our nation will be another 1776...of course, they will try to take our guns first, just as all despotic regimes do.....What's your plan ?

    Here is a link to a photo exposition of Wm Ayers' manifesto, "PRARIE FIRE".
  Written by Ayers an other sixties malcontents, one can easily read the book itself. Much like the Communist Manifesto, the programs that the left has followed in capturing the highest office of our land, are easily discernable; it was their blueprint. Hero-worship photos of Che Guverra in the book explain the presence of same in Obama's Houston campaign office. Link to the site and read Ayers' book...if you dare.

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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #21 on: November 08, 2008, 12:22:55 AM »
The American people chose PRESENCE over CONTENT.

They did that with JFK.
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #22 on: November 08, 2008, 01:27:29 AM »
I think her values and the degree of 'freshness' with which she presented herself was a bit too much for the old staid republicans and they let the media work her over.

I will guarantee ya this - after 4 years of commiecrats running the country with obama, biden, pelosi, reid and schumer cramming their crap down our throats she is going to look very, very good indeed.  JMTCW.  Mikey.

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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2008, 01:36:02 AM »
I think her values and the degree of 'freshness' with which she presented herself was a bit too much for the old staid republicans and they let the media work her over.

I will guarantee ya this - after 4 years of commiecrats running the country with obama, biden, pelosi, reid and schumer cramming their crap down our throats she is going to look very, very good indeed.  JMTCW.  Mikey.

Mikey, I am hoping you are right! Sometimes it has to get bad enough to wake some up. This lessor ideology is ruining us. We need honest candidates. I believe Palin, and Paul are the first politicians I have seen in years that actually are for us.
Palin most especially knows what it's like to be me, or any other average American.
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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #24 on: November 08, 2008, 01:45:02 AM »
Maybe Cindy Garrison could run as Sarah's VP.  No more Ron Paul please.
"Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?" Sogoyewapha, "Red Jacket" - Senaca

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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #25 on: November 08, 2008, 03:39:06 AM »
  I do not pretend to understand the "urban' mind..not being one of them; but why do you think the urban women are against her ? Is it just possible that it is only the urban women you know personally that are against her ?
  Frankly, as a way of peering into trhe urban mind I would like to know what they find objectional in Sarah. She is obviously a great example of a woman who won her own spot politically, without skidding in on some guy's coat tails. She is successful in raising a family, even accepting the challenge of raising a child with special needs while fulfilling her office as governor. She has dealt with foreign powers and cleaned up a corrupt political system in AK while doing so. She is truly a self-made woman that retains about a 90% approval rating in AK...much more than any other governor. It would seem that all these things would endear her to the hearts of all free minded women..say nothing about urbanites.

  What would urban women find as so objectional..suburban/rural inquiring minds would like to know ?
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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #26 on: November 08, 2008, 03:51:14 AM »
   As I see it, Palin is a good basis for the new conservative base, and it need not be called Republican. I was once a Democrat and voted for JFK. Shortly after that (1972) the Democrats moved so far to the left..they left I left them. Now it appears that if I were a Republican, certain portions of that party would have left me since RR left office.
   Palin could become the de facto leader of a new, energetic conservative it Constitutionalists, Heritage or whatever title may be chosen.
  In any case, the fiscal conservatives, nor the cultural conservatives can win alone. Each may have to give a bit in order to succeed. Actually I don't see the two issues as anywhere near incompatible; although I am chiefly a cultural conservative, I can easily endorse a fiscal conservative plank, hopefully the reverse can also hold true.
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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #27 on: November 08, 2008, 04:34:45 AM »
Palin-Jindal or Jindal-Palin in 2012.  Let's retake our country, starting now.

What do Palin and Jindal offer?
    - 2 very popular and effective governors
    - Great executive experience in 2 key energy producing states
    - Youth and vitality
    - Solid conservative social values
    - Demographic and geographic diversity (if this really appeals to anyone)

We now know all the details about Sarah.  Look at Bobby Jindal's biography:

I don't have to look up Bobby Jinlal's stats I have been reading about him from the start of  him running for governor
A 4'x8' Palin-Jindal 2012 sign is welcome in my front yard today . With all the hate  Sarah Palin is getting from the dems. and republican insiders. and the media. she has got to be on our side  because the afore mentioned group sure ain't, and some one worried about us  would sure mess their gravy train
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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #28 on: November 08, 2008, 05:05:11 AM »
Guys and gal (Heather), I've said that I'm good with Gov. Palin, but there is another out there who bears looking at--Congressman Lundgrin from Californicateya.  I've watched him at some hearings in the House and this guy can duke it out with the best of them.  I could be wrong, but I think he used to be the AG of Cal.

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Re: Gov. Palin, and why I'm angry.
« Reply #29 on: November 08, 2008, 05:07:46 AM »
  Thanks for the helpful answers, but of course I am still a bit mystified The one thing you mentioned, my grandson has already run into.
  He drives to the city after work each day to attend college, where he is immersed in  Obaminism. When he asked some of the girls why they were not in favor of Palin, they replied that they thought she was not too bright. So he being pragmatic, asked them where they got that information; was it from her governing performance in AK, or was it news accounts of her dealings with oil companies or perhaps with Japan or Russia ?  
  He was astounded when they admitted their opinion was formed from some "skits" about her that they saw on SNL! He was flabbergasted and had a very different opinion of those particular girls from that point onwards. I am afraid that too many people base decisions upon their "gut" feelings when they should be using their gray matter. Time will tell...

  Magooch, I have noticed Lundgren also and he appears to be a good one. There are many good ones, but the CCs (Country clubbers) have not given them their due. Time to dump the CCs...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)