I appreciate all the input. I have very little experience with centerfire rifles, and even less with bolt actions. My experience is mostly with the T/Cs and Handis. Here in IL we can only hunt with slug guns, handguns, and blackpowder. I have two places in Mo. to hunt deer and at my house I can shoot 650yds (laser ranged) at paper and coyotes when the crops are out. I haven't shot anything past 150yds in my limited experience. The ground in Mo. has two high voltage power lines running through it. So the chance for long shots at deer does exist there. 650 yds is the farthest I can practice at home. I have a Handi in 25.06 and reload for it, hence the idea of a bolt action in this caliber. I'm not a big guy by any means, so I'd like to stay away from heavy recoiling calibers. So if anyone is thinking I'm inexperienced, you are correct. That is why I'm asking the questions. So, which rifle has more accuracy potential (brand name aside). Which one is bedding method is better? I don't know, so what do you guys know of these two rifles? Caliber suggestions, if any...
Thanks again