I just got back from my house in the country where we have a 100' range set up and I got the 20 gauge USH all sighted in dead on at 100' yards with 2 3/4" buckhammers. Let me tell you, those things are amazingly accurate. I only had a box to shoot so I got it close at 50' with cheapo remingtons then took it out to 100' with the buckhammers. The first two were sight in shots. The next two I cut out the bulls eye. The fifth my brother shot out of his 870. I took it in the house and cleaned it for slug season. I'll shoot it once more before opening day to check it at 50 and then not touch it till after season's over. Oh and about the cleaning. I had shot a bunch of cheapo's through it before yesterday and the barrel was terribly leaded up. I had picked up some butch's bore shine the other day and thought I'd give it a try. I cleaned that barrel in about 5 mins to the point where it was clean patch in clean patch out. That stuff is amazing. All I did was wet a brass brush with it give it about 5 strokes then run two wet patches through it then 1 dry then 1 rem oil. It was awesome. So excited about my new gun. Oh yeah, those buck hammers have got to be devastating too, they cut a perfect circle out of the paper that I found and the hill behind our target had 3 huge holes into it. Can't wait to see what it will do to a deer. Two weeks Woot!