Author Topic: Saw 5 Hogs...  (Read 753 times)

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Saw 5 Hogs...
« on: November 10, 2008, 02:39:53 AM »
I went bow hunting yesterday evening and had 2 cross at about 80 yards... I sat in the stand about another hour and heard the noisy things coming... 3 of them walked up to the end of my food plot about 55 yards out... I stood up in my stand got read with my bow... They were on the other side of a tree from me when I did all of this... They turned and went through the woods away from me just out of bow range... I'm not sure why they turned... They didn't act spooked or anything.... I'm going to try them again tomorrow and if they don't come in close enough I'm moving my stand closer to them... I have tons of tracks and some of them are monsters....

Offline jmayton

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Re: Saw 5 Hogs...
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2008, 09:12:11 AM »
They either heard something or smelled something odd.  I like to hunt them when it's windy because I can get real close.  They see about as well as we do, but they're usually focused on the ground and finding food, so they seem to rely on scent and hearing to alert them to danger.  Any little noise or smell and they'll casually move on.  They usually don't spook too much until they identify what's coming.  Good luck, it sounds like fun.  Make sure you post pics if you get one.