I have my handloads from the SKS which is Win brass, CCI Large, 28.0 H4895, and Hornady .311 VMAX. They were pretty darn accurate in the SKS.
Kind of a trade between good ammo and poor rifle, now poor ammo and good rifle, eh?
I am eyeing the Lapua brass from Grafs. For 33 bucks it is same price basically as 2 fifty piece bags of Winchester.
I figure that I won't lose as much brass as I did with the SKS.
I have some 123 Hornady 311 SP's, but no brass for them.
Like I said, my bigger concern is the reassembly process. Why is it so hard to assemble.
Krochus, my barrel doesn't have pressure point in the channel, it is pretty much free floated. Except of course that it is rubbing on the left side of the forearm. This is easily fixed, just need to do it.
Hope to load some next weekend. Going to Arkansas to look for some deer this weekend.
I will be ridiculed by the others for having a "baby" rifle. They all have 7mm Mags and 270's. Hope to tag one with the CZ.