Author Topic: super single six in 32 mag  (Read 2663 times)

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Offline dan

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super single six in 32 mag
« on: August 12, 2003, 08:29:05 PM »
  looking to buy a super single six in 32 h&r mag, would like the 9 1/2",
anyone have one, and what do you think about it? will use it to shoot field pistol. thanks........dan

Offline Steve P

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super single six in 32 mag
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2003, 03:05:49 PM »
I have one, but not in the 9 1/2" barrel.  They are tough to find.  Good luck.  Get the hogue mono grip and the sights from Ken Light or Lansing.  You will like the caliber and the accuracy.  No recoil.

Steve   :D
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Offline dan

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32h&r mag
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2003, 08:17:29 PM »
hi steve,
  i do shoot the 32 mag in field pistol silhouettes, in a t/c contender,
10" bull barrel, and like you said, it is very sweet. i shoot 100gn, magnus cast bullets, and they shoot very well.
  i may end up with a s&w model 16, if i can find a long barrel one, i know where there is a 6"er, but looking for the 8 3/8 barrel. do you shoot a 7 1/2
ruger? any one can reply to this. thanks.......dan

Offline 44 Man

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super single six in 32 mag
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2003, 05:18:52 AM »
Ruger's 32 mag is one of the sweetest shooting guns around.  I have a 61/2" w/scope done up like a stalker by Mag-na-port.  This gun will shoot dime sized groups (10 shot) at 25 yds when I am having a good day!  Great rabbit and squirrel gun!  I load it with 100 gr swc cast bullets over Lil'gun.  The .32 mag is probably the most underappreciated caliber out there!      44 Man
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Offline rocco

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super single six in 32 mag
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2003, 07:36:02 AM »
Thats a caliber that I aways wanted.Of course in a Ruger SA  . Came close to getting one never did though .
I'll bet its nice to reload that caliber  .

Offline Lloyd Smale

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super single six in 32 mag
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2003, 12:33:30 AM »
my little birds head will shoot into an inch with a 115 seaco and 9.5 grains of 4227 and its a ball to shoot
Quote from: rocco
Thats a caliber that I aways wanted.Of course in a Ruger SA  . Came close to getting one never did though .
I'll bet its nice to reload that caliber  .
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Offline Chuck from arkansaw

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32 super single six
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2003, 02:56:51 AM »
A friend of mine has one with the 9 1/2" barrel, scoped, with big Hogue grips and magna ported.  It is a real  hoot.  I loaded some little wad cutters for it, and it is really accurate.

Offline dan

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32mag/ bisley 22lr
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2003, 05:37:06 PM »
  thanks for the answers about the ruger super single six in 32 mag. i think i found one with a short barrel around $200 won't know for sure till tuesday. will contact ruger about getting a longer barrel if its not to much $$$$$. hope its not a big deal.
   also, is there much diff. between a single six, and a bisley in 22lr? are the bisley's worth it? and do the 9.5 barrels shoot any better than the 7.5 ones?  thanks......dan

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: 32mag/ bisley 22lr
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2003, 11:52:41 PM »
thats a steal on a .32  id shoot it the way it is first and see if you like it. Those guns are real nice field guns and a shorter barrel is alot nicer to pack.
Quote from: dan
  thanks for the answers about the ruger super single six in 32 mag. i think i found one with a short barrel around $200 won't know for sure till tuesday. will contact ruger about getting a longer barrel if its not to much $$$$$. hope its not a big deal.
   also, is there much diff. between a single six, and a bisley in 22lr? are the bisley's worth it? and do the 9.5 barrels shoot any better than the 7.5 ones?  thanks......dan
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Offline Blackhawk44

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super single six in 32 mag
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2003, 10:12:37 AM »
Shorter barrel fits a holster and you can always have it with you instead of one the truck seat somewhere.  (Have had 4 5/8" Single Six since '85 and 4" 631 since '91 or 92)  Unless you stick to a single load forever, adjustable sights are the only way to fly.  Never "guess" where its going to hit.

Offline kciH

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super single six in 32 mag
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2003, 03:28:07 PM »
I picked up a used 9.5" model and a 4 5/8" last year.  I prefer the shorter barrel for general use, but for 100yd shots on silhouettes the longer sight plane would be preferred.  The Bisleys are nicer, but expect to pay a premium on them.  It you see any Super Single Six in .32 H&R for $200 buy it, if it will go boom, you can mark it up $50 and send it to me.

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32 H&R Bisley
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2003, 02:53:35 AM »
I have a Bisley in 32 H&R and it is one of the most accurate handguns I have ever shot. Jacketed bullets, cast bullets even 32 S&W long handloads shoot in this one. It is great on woodchucks with hot JHPs and doesn't ruin rabbits with a lead SWC. Lil-gun is the powder to bring out the most in this one. I liked mine so much that I just bought a Bisley in 45 Colt to match it. Shotgunner
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Offline Blackhawk44

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super single six in 32 mag
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2003, 06:36:13 AM »
Dan-just checking to see if you bought that $200 piece?

Offline dan

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32 h&r mag
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2003, 04:30:47 PM »
howdy folks,
  the price i got was a little higher than what was said, i will get the ruger super single six in 32 mag with shipping for $260, which i still think is a steal. it is suppose to be nib, but is a short barrel 4.5/8 a call to ruger and
stated they stated for $125, they would replace barrel with a longer one. hope to have it first week in sept. i want to thank everyone who replyed with a anwser. thanks......dan

Offline Henry Bowman

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4 5/8 SS .32 H&R?
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2003, 09:36:58 PM »
hello, I may be wrong here but please check the Ruger forum before you alter the short barrel as they are regarded as the most collectable of the SS H&Rs?

Offline Ed Harris

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4-5/8" Single Six .32
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2003, 07:58:40 AM »
While the longer sight radius of the longer barrel is a bit easier to shoot if you have older eyes, the inherent difference in velocity and accuracy is of little significance for practical use.  If you look up my Gun Digest article of a few years back I took a 9-1/2" Single Six and chopped it at intervals until I finished at 4-5/8", testing it with both factory Federal 85-gr. JHP loads and handloads with the Saeco-Redding #325 95-gr. SWC.  I still have the revolver and it is my favorite "walking around" gun.
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Offline 44 Man

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super single six in 32 mag
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2003, 07:11:09 AM »
Ed, had my second .32 Single Six shortened to 3 3/4", round butted and the grips thinned.  Nicest little packing gun I've had since my Bearcat.  Wish Ruger would offer their Vaquero RB with a shorter bbl.  One of these days I'm going to get around to trying one of the little Cimmarron's in .38 spl.  That should be neat also.    44 Man
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Offline Dan Uplinger

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Ruger .32 H&R Magnum
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2003, 05:18:18 PM »
I still have that issue of Gun Digest and that's what got me to wanting one of those guns. Problem was, by the time I started looking for one, Ruger quit making them. But I kept looking and in 2001 I found one with a 6.5" barrel and grabbed it. Then I found another one, just this year, with the 4 5/8" barrel and it followed me home too. Now I have two of them and I have Ed Harris to thank for it. They are nice little revolvers, I carry the 4 5/8" on walks, half the time I have to check to see if it's still on my hip since it's so light. Thanks again Ed.

Offline Ed Harris

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Companion .32 Walking Rifle
« Reply #18 on: December 29, 2003, 06:02:36 AM »
Just received back from John Taylor at Taylor Machine my .32 Walking Rifle.   John machined a new 26" barrel chambered for .32 S&W Long to fit my pre-war H&R .410 single-barrel shotgun, so that I could keep the shotgun barrel, rather than relining it.   It has a XS Systems ghost ring peep with Williams 3/8x.093 Twilight aperture and .080" XS Patridge sight with vertical white line inlay and is also drilled and tapped for scope blocks.

The older H&R single-barrel .410s have a tiny receiver, much smaller than the current NEF and post-war H&R versions.  It has the proportions of an English Rook rifle.  Weight of the converted rifle is 5 lbs. 2 ozs. with iron sights, and 6 lbs., 4 ozs. when you add Unertl blocks and a 6X Small Game straight tube scope.

Haven't shot it outdoors yet, but factory .32 S&W Longs, either wadcutters or 98-gr. LRN are no louder indoors without ear plugs than firing Eley Tenex in my .22 rifle.  

I'm figuring that my ordinary .32 S&W Long handloads I use for walking around in my S&W Model 31 or Ruger Single Six (Saeco #325 SWC cast of wheelweights, tumbled in Lee Liquid Alox, sized .312", with WSP primer and 2.5 grs. of Bullseye), which give 850 f.p.s. in a revolver should remain subsonic in the rifle.   My heavier load, 7 grs. of #2400 with the same Saeco #325 bullet or the Hornady 85-gr. XTP JHP, which each give about 1050 fps in the revolvers should approximate standard .32-20 rifle ballistics (probably around 1300 f.p.s.) in the Walking Rifle.  I stuck to the .32 S&W Long cartridge instead of .32 H&R Magnum because I already had a reamer left over from Ellis Lea's and my experimental work with the T/C Contender in the early 1980s.

As FYI for anyone wanting to build one, rifling specs are equal width lands and grooves, standard ".30 cal. dimensions", nominally .300x.308"six grooves, one turn in 16".  Chamber reamer made by JGS has minimum body dimensions approximating the SAAMI pressure barrel, but the ball seat and throat have a 15 degree "second shoulder" or transition from the .335" case mouth to a forcing cone major diameter of .3114," then a  3 degree included angle forcing cone, with no cylindrical ball seat. This resembles the throat in a 7.62x39 Lapua pressure barrel and enables you to seat an RCBS or Saeco 150-gr. FN cast lead .30-30 bullet with only the base band and gascheck heel in the case, and the case filled up with 10.5 grs., lightly compressed of RL-7 for subsonic "blooper" load, which is VERY accurate, based on firings years ago in a heavy test barrel.    

Range report will be posted when I get a chance to test thoroughtly.
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Offline RoyB

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How about this one!
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2004, 03:08:04 PM »

Offline michbob

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super single six in 32 mag
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2004, 01:59:39 PM »
Whaz at? :?


Offline RoyB

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What's Zat!
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2004, 02:17:23 PM »
Its a revolver I picked up at a gun shop last week. It's a Ruger Single Six in 32Mag with a Super Blackhawk SS grip frame , 6 1/2" barrel and SS ejector rod housing with a target front sight. It's not cataloged and when I reached the previous owner he said he had some friends up at Ruger make it up for him. Interesting huh?

Offline michbob

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super single six in 32 mag
« Reply #22 on: January 29, 2004, 02:03:49 PM »
Cool.  I'd bet that if Ruger produced that model as a special run item, like S&W used to do via Lew Horton, they would sell like hotcakes.  A compact package in a neat caliber.

Back when I was fresh out of college (and broke) I saw a 5.5" SSM at a gun show NIB for $212.  I didn't buy it.  Duh.  Now they don't even make a single action with adj. sights.  Too bad.

Of course, if you're lookin' to sell that one...


Offline C A Plater

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super single six in 32 mag
« Reply #23 on: January 30, 2004, 02:34:32 AM »
Quote from: michbob
Cool.  I'd bet that if Ruger produced that model as a special run item, like S&W used to do via Lew Horton, they would sell like hotcakes.  A compact package in a neat caliber.

I for one would love an adjustable sight model.  In a prefect universe that confroms to my every whim, I'd like to see a color case hardened adjustable sight Bisley with a 5.5" barrel.   As the universe is not pefect, I'll take just about anything with adjustable sights.  

Offline kciH

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super single six in 32 mag
« Reply #24 on: January 30, 2004, 02:25:47 PM »
C A Plater,
that sound like a heck of an idea.  I've got a couple SS's and a Buckeye convertable that fire the round, but I'd very much like to see what you mention.  I like Vaquero's, but they are mainly for play as a result of the lack of adjustable sights.  I realize if you shoot only one gun you can adjust for poor sight alignment, or have it corrected for $$$.  Funny thing is, most shooters that Ruger and others should be concerned with shoot MORE than one revolver.  These are the people who buy lots of guns.