Can't name the place, but found a gun store that sells lots of the police turn-in Glocks.
The proprietor tests them and replaces any necessary parts.
The external finish may be rough.
Without doing anything to the appearance, think he gets about half original sale price for the turn-in Glocks. If he refinishes the outside for appearance sake, adds a $100. He painted some pink with 1960 era pastel flowers and they sold faster than anything.
Don't know what that market is doing since the election. These were all pre-election prices and his store has been overrun with buyers since. He may not even have any turn-ins left.
Over the course of a year, think he got nearly every caliber/model offered except the European 380. No police turn-ins of that model.
When I see him next I will find out if he is interested in any internet retail business. Know he has a standing order from wholesalers for all the turn-ins he can get.