I have both a Tracker II and a USH in 20 Ga. I also shoot the Win. Partition Golds through the USH, very accurate well past 100 yards. I use the Tracker II in some very heavy underbrush areas, short shots and don't want to worry about scope getting damaged. After sighting both guns in last month the only accuracy difference I saw was open sights vs. scope. As far as a compact model, remember these guns are not very long to begin with, kind of Handi. I can only assume the Ultra Llight gun has the same barrel as the Tracker II since they weigh the same, just different sights. If I scoped my Tracker II I would just make sure I got a fair amount of eye relief in the scope. The Tracker II is much more comfortable to carry.
Hey Carbineman, nice deer, that just goes to prove that if you do your part either gun will do. JamesIII