I had a qa 50 in the early 70s Honda made that one . First road bike was a 500 Kaw triple 2 stroker .
I worked as a bike mechanic from 79 to early 87 . We sold and repaired any English, Jap. Italian, German, bike made . Have worked on 1918 Indian model O , there are only a few even known and that mostly in the Indian mc owners clubs. Just about any English turnipe , Beezer , Snorton Norton , and a few Enfields . Moto Guzzies , Bmw's . Lots of Harlies.
Right now I have a 77 Goldwing salvaged from the scrap heap.
I have owned Honda , Kaw., Yamaha bikes and don't know how many miles I have put on through the years , but it is considerable.
We used to go to the big Cincinatti mc show every year . I have sat on several of Steve Mcqueens bikes . Matchless , Scott flying squirrels, Areal, Indians . Have ridden Urals with the cool 2 wheel drive side car on . Ah the memories this post brings back.