you're right on the money. Don't get me wrong, when using a single shot, or bolt action, pistol at rifle ranges you're showing a level of skill few riflemen attain, even fewer SSP shooters. My Contender is now a carbine, my Encore is a muzzleloader, and my Cylinder & Slide tuned .45 LC Bisley is my hunting handgun. Of course the .41 Blackhawk Hunter is gaining ground, and the original .41 Bisley is also a favorite. I still shoot my Contender in 357 Max at steel and my .284 Winchester XP-100 is a favorite toy, but for HANDGUN hunting, I'll take a revolver. For deer and antelope, you don't need anything bigger than a .41 or .44, no .454,.480,.475,.45LC+P+ required, but they sure are fun!