I did the same recently and was able to compare the NEF pump to several other shotguns at my local mom and pop gunshop. It's the 20 ga. like you described and is a very well made gun. What I have noticed about these shotguns, more than anything else is the static that they get for being a Chinese import. What's funny is that I don't hear alot of moaning and groaning about the Chicom sks rifles that everybody and their brothers own. If the gun was being imported illegally, then that would be cause for concern but that is not the case. I bought the NEF pump solely on its merits and have searched the internet and found numerous reviews that are positive about the quality and construction of these guns. I read where Remington bought NEF and may be discontinuing the Pardner pump due to the fact that it is giving them fits when compared to the 870 Express line of quality( which ,as of late, is CRAP). When I compared it to the Mossberg and Maverick,there was no comparison. The Mossy/Maverick rattled like a bucket of bolts compared to the NEF. The fit and finish to me is excellent with tight tolerances. Prejudices aside, this gun is a remarkable value and I have owned many shotguns and have a little experience to be able to make an objective observation. I feel like this gun will last a long time and give good service.