I have both a Seneca .45 and a Cherokee .32....I wouldn't part with either. The .32 is my favorite BP rifle. It is super accurate. I have a TC Hunter peep on it.
We do a red squirrel sweep every now and then to help the grays out. Last time out we got 9. My buddy got 7 with a 12 ga. pump. Resting against trees, I shot the heads off two he couldn't reach with the 12 ga.
The .45 Seneca is out in my deer blind waiting for me to arrive before dawn tomorrow. She's loaded and ready to go.
TC used to make a .32 cal. 102 or 3 gr. Maxi-Ball or Maxi Hunter. I can't remember which, and I'm too lazy to get up and check. I load them at 75 gr. fffg Goex for the bullet and 50 gr. for the PRB. At 75gr., I'm way over TC's "maximum" load. The Maxis, loaded hot, chrono well over 2000 fps. I've always wanted to take a deer with that load, but never had the opportunity, not knowing what it will actually do. I'm sure a head or neck shot would take one down. The bullet is larger than .30 cal., but light. Any opinions out there?