Just reinforcing 3 shot groups. Most hunting rifles are sporters and tend to warm up more. If the first shot didn't make it's mark, it's either wounded or in the next section of land still gaining speed. My 223 is dead on and I hope to get a 243 next year as good as my 223.
As a competive shooter a five shot string is the norm.
If you are worried about a barrel heating up after the third shot slow down, bring more than one rifle to shoot and clean between shots.
A three shot string may look good on paper but dosen't show what the best load is.
Three shot strings became the norm with writers selling their supporters guns in gun mags.
ALL the main writers Mike Vrintino etc.... Stress five shot groups.
Sorry if you can't get MOA at 100 yrds with five shots but that is what seperates good accuracy to competive accuracy.