Author Topic: New Hi Point Carbine-Now what?  (Read 2166 times)

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Offline Minnesota1

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New Hi Point Carbine-Now what?
« on: December 07, 2008, 06:51:15 AM »
Dunham's in MN ran a black Friday sale of their Hi-Point 9mm carbines for $150.  I had to buy one.  It's a fun gun to shoot.  What's out there to add on to these guns?  I saw a barrel shroud that looked pretty neat and I like the ATI stocks but I think I've seen some people say that they are bad for the rifle.  Can anyone chime in with any answers or suggestions as to what is out there  and if they work?



Offline moxgrove

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Re: New Hi Point Carbine-Now what?
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2008, 12:55:51 PM »
laser, dot sight, buttstock mag pouch, the sky is the limit it's a 150 dollar gun you can spend 500 accessorizing, like a Handirifle. ;D

Offline Lazermule

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Re: New Hi Point Carbine-Now what?
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2008, 11:25:00 AM »
I have the ATI stock on mine and I love it.  There are many accessory items out there that will fit and work well with it.  I am in MN as well and I think I paid $169 for my 9mm carbine at a gun show and $189 for my 40 S&W carbine at a local store.  They shoot well and are well made no matter what people say I like them.


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Re: New Hi Point Carbine-Now what?
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2008, 06:53:13 AM »
I was really holding back on getting the ATI stock for mine, didn't want to dump a lot of $$ into a cheap, fun gun. ATI stock at Dunhams in IA, closeout $35, came home with me.
ATI stock doesn't flex like the factory one and adds a little heft to make the gun seem more expensive.
Mine likes all 9mm but I like the 95 grn Magtech and 115 grn Fiocchi from Sportsmans Guide.
Good price on your gun, fun to shoot.
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Offline Lazermule

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Re: New Hi Point Carbine-Now what?
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2008, 08:04:48 AM »
The best load out of my 995 is a 85 grn soft point that I hand load and have chronographed at a little over 2000 fps.  It will do a heck on a job on a coyote out to 100 yards.  Put the red dot on the Yote and step on the gas pedal (pull the trigger).  I like it.  Kind of resembles a Beretta Storm with the ATI stock.


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Offline navylawdog

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Re: New Hi Point Carbine-Now what?
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2008, 02:28:50 PM »

What kind of velocity do you get from your .40 carbine? I would like to get one of these rifles but I don't know which one to get. I have a beretta M9, but I have reloading dies for a .40 so what do you guys think would be the better choice?


Offline Lazermule

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Re: New Hi Point Carbine-Now what?
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2008, 04:02:54 PM »

What kind of velocity do you get from your .40 carbine? I would like to get one of these rifles but I don't know which one to get. I have a beretta M9, but I have reloading dies for a .40 so what do you guys think would be the better choice?


I am pushing a 135 grn Nosler HP over VV 3N37 just under 2000 fps out of the carbine.  I wanted to work it up over 2000 but it started shooting real good so I stopped.  The Noslers are great bullets, I just wish they were available on a soft point.

If I were to pick one of the carbines as a favorite, I'd have to pick the 995.  It has less recoil, has available aftermarket stocks and 9mm dies are cheap (Lee set $20 or less).  As far as accuracy, they seem to be about the same.  If you planned on hunting with it like smaller hogs or something like that, I'd say go with the 40, but if just for shooting or smaller animals like coyotes the 995 is where it's at.  I wish there was an aftermarket stock available for the 4095, because it's so darn ugly I can hardly stand to look at it.  Maybe with an ATI stock I could love it more....


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Offline navylawdog

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Re: New Hi Point Carbine-Now what?
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2009, 04:22:28 PM »
I just picked up the 4095 today. It is used but practically brand new. The store owner said he sold it to a guy at Christmas time and the guy got laid off and had to sell the gun back to him. The bore is absolutely immaculate so it hasn't been shot much. I can't wait to go shoot it. Hopefully I can get out before I leave next week. I will be reloading tomorrow. ;D
