I hear people say, and my own experience bears it out, that owning a Rossi or Taurus revolver is a bit of a crap shoot. If you own one that works then hang on to it. However, many refuse to work even after a return trip to the factory.
Every 5-shot Rossi Model 68 or 88 revolver I have seen works flawlessly. I've owned 3 of them over the years and still have one. They're an inexpensive copy of a S&W Chief's Special and work well for about half the cost. They seem to all be keepers.
My neighbor bought a Rossi 6-shot .357 mag and it was total junk. Stopped working after 200 rounds of .38 Special ammo had been put through it. Rossi voided his warranty because he shot a cylinder full of his buddy's .38 Special reloads through it. His mistake was in being too honest to the Rossi rep on the phone.
I know of two other Rossi .357 mag revolvers that experienced serious mechanical issues.
Personally, I would rather have a used S&W .357 than a new Rossi but that's just one man's opinion.