Author Topic: Does anyone have any input on an AR made by CMMG?  (Read 1535 times)

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Offline Buckskin

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Does anyone have any input on an AR made by CMMG?
« on: December 11, 2008, 03:57:19 AM »
I have an opportunity to buy an AR made by CMMG, it's model MOD4SA.  Anyone with any information about this company or it's guns would greatly be appreciated. He's asking $1000 for it and supposidly payed $1400.  Says it has some custom stuff on it.  I am getting this info through a 3rd person so don't know much about it yet.  I will have my hands on it tonight and am going to shoot it tomorrow. 

Anything that I should look for as far as wear and quality in an AR?  Don't know much about them, but am crash coursing myself as we speak.  Before this came along I was pretty sure I was going to go with a R-15.  I can get an R-15 for $1000 new, but I thought I should at least look at this one.

Thanks for the help!

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Re: Does anyone have any input on an AR made by CMMG?
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2008, 04:37:48 AM »
Buck ,

   I went to thier sight and havent seen anything they have listed there that would achieve the $1400 range ... Guess it will depend on what all has been added to it but even then ?

  Things to look for ...Wiggle (play) between the upper and lower .. You said that you will have the chance to shoot it ... thats a big plus ... Also ask (or inspect it yourself) if its a chrome lined barrel .... and just your good common sense on the rest as to use and abuse condition will serve you well.

  I dont know alot about CMMG , have heard a few good things  ..But never owned one so no first hand exp. here .....As for the accessories to make it worth $1000 used to look for  ...aluminum rail forearm (any items mounted to it) ,the furniture , VLTOR colaspsing butt stock or a varient and definantly findout how many mags the man is offering with it and thier manufacturer  e.i. Magpul ,Cproduct ,D&H ind. etc.  When i bought my colt the kid through in a 30 round synthetic with a wollowed out mag latch (pretty much useless ) and a good no name steel 40 rounder ... So if he has 4 + good mags for it ... Consider them like gold .. since they are almost harder to get then the rifles themselves ...

       Hope this helps a little ,I'm sure the guys that know more about this brand will chime in..

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Re: Does anyone have any input on an AR made by CMMG?
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2008, 05:02:44 AM »
CMMG makes excellent products.  I don't think that you could find a person dissapointed with them.

$1000 with extras may not be too bad, depending on what extras are included. 

As far as fit-up between the lower and upper, I wouldn't be too concerned.  My bushy isn't super tight, and it still shoots 1/2 moa with handloads.  There are products you can buy to tighten up the fit, for fairly cheap.

I would take a look at how many rounds have been run through.  I would also add up all the extras and take that into consideration.  Also, what model are you looking at?

Chrome Line & Non-Chrome Lined: Chrome lined barrels will last longer, but they don't have the accuracy that a non-chrome lined barrel does.

Mags: You can pick up mags from Midway when they have their sales.  I picked up some 20's for about $15 a piece. 

I would look at the round count and the extras that come with it before I gave $1000.  If it comes with railed forearm and optics (EoTech, ACOG, or Aimpoint would be awesome ;D) and has 1000 rounds or so, I would jump on it in a heartbeat.  Otherwise, it's your money.

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Re: Does anyone have any input on an AR made by CMMG?
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2008, 05:05:10 AM »
Or you could build one!!!  That's what I am going to do with my next AR.  Actually pretty simple to do.  You may also want to post this over at  They are AR fanatics over their!!! (I also have the sickness :D)

Offline Buckskin

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Re: Does anyone have any input on an AR made by CMMG?
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2008, 05:25:38 AM »
Thanks for the help guys.  It's a model 4SA, but not sure if that's just the lower.  The extra's are what got me interested in it.  We will see how it looks.  I should be able to keep it for the weekend.

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Re: Does anyone have any input on an AR made by CMMG?
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2008, 05:11:40 AM »
Well I have the gun in my possesion and it looks to be in great shape, can't find any sign of significant use anywhere.  Actually it looks like it hasn't been shot much at all.  It has only one 30 shot clip, plastic made by PMAG.  It has a Bushnell Trophy Multiple Reticle Red/Green dot scope on it.  And as far as I can tell that is about it for add-ons.  It has some sort of stainless bull-barrel, not sure if it's CMMG or not, can't find any stamping on the upper anywhere. And I'm not sure how to tell if it's chrome-lined or not.  It does come in a nice Pelican 1720 case, but I don't really need that.  Here are a couple pictures (hopefully!).

Any opinion on what I should offer the guy would be helpful.  He's asking a grand.  Also any help with info on the upper would be great.

Thanks a bunch,

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Re: Does anyone have any input on an AR made by CMMG?
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2008, 10:48:37 AM »
Well, it looks like it has a free float fore end, that's likely a $200 option.  It also has a long bull barrel so you can shoot prairie dogs all day.  Other than that, it's nothing special.  If you want to give him $1000, fine.  But I saw one just like that pass through Jay's the other day for $700.  To me it's too long and heavy that way.  I would rather have the M4 configuration; collaspable stock and standard weight 16" barrel.  Just my preferences.  44 Man
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Offline Buckskin

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Re: Does anyone have any input on an AR made by CMMG?
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2008, 11:23:21 AM »
Yeah its a heavy bugger.  I was thinking of offering him $700-750 and see what he says.  No way I'm going to give him a grand.  Although the case is worth about $150 which I probably would sell.  I guess he lives in Chicago or near there and you have to license/permit for  every firearm you have in your possesion. communist bastards...  So I'm thinking he will want to dump it asap.

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Offline jasonprox700

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Re: Does anyone have any input on an AR made by CMMG?
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2008, 04:08:39 PM »
If the case comes with the gun and you don't want it, let me know.  I'd love to take it off your hands.

I would guess that the barrel is not chrome lined since it is ss.  Most are not.  Try offering a little less.

Although, the prices of AR's have jumped since the election.  Compare to brand new guns.  You'll be saving about $200 to $300 bucks.  That's the price of a new barrel!  I would probably take the gun for that.  Good luck

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Re: Does anyone have any input on an AR made by CMMG?
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2008, 04:16:23 PM »
44 man that floating fore end is not a 200 doller option, i put a gas block and floating forearm on my 20 inch ar for 80 bucks so that add on is not alott
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Re: Does anyone have any input on an AR made by CMMG?
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2008, 03:30:19 AM »
heres my take on it. The guy probably had that much into it new. The scope  is worth nothing. If this was 6 months ago id say to low ball him or go elsewhere but youd best look around at the price ars are going for right now. Its a sellers market! If you dont buy it for a grand someone else will and will do it fast. buddy had a colt sp and 6 months ago couldnt get a grand for it. He was just offered 1800 for the gun!!!
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