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Offline timothy

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1911's for hunting
« on: December 11, 2008, 04:28:41 AM »
With the current trend of AR15's being used in the hunting field I'm suprised the 1911 hasnt seen a similar fate. Like the AR the 1911 is availible in numerous calibers if sought out. A quality built 1911 can be just as accurate as a revolver and if shot at a reasonable range should be good for everthing up to black bear. Obviously it couldnt compete with the 475 and 500's on the largest game but could otherwise be quite usefull in the US. People hunt with the 357magnum so why not 38super or 10mm? Just a thought

Offline sonofafish

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Re: 1911's for hunting
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2008, 05:01:23 AM »
I know a lot of guys that carry there 1911s. There was a kit for the 1911 that you can make it in to a single shot with a longer barrel. And I have seen a guy shoot a big hog with one in 45 acp it did a good number on it, about 50 yds.

Offline Bearbait in NM

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Re: 1911's for hunting
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2008, 07:31:36 AM »

There are several nice choices for medium game in the 1911.  As you posted the 10mm.  We also have the 45 Super and 460 Rowland.  The Rowland runs right at the heals of standard weight, standard velocty 44 mags, so should be a no brainer for smaller big game.

As to your question about popularity compared to the AR15, I honestly feel it is sheer numbers.  There are likley more rifle hunters out there than handgun hunters.  A lot of more traditional bolt action hunters, like me, have probably found the AR in 556 to be a fun gun, with some field applications, some varminting and likley general protection.  Toss in the expired ban, and lot of folks have acquired them just because they could, and might not be able to in the future.  With all of these guns out there, the experimenters have figured out that it is quite easy to make proper big game hunting calibers that are an easy swap of parts.  Presto, we now have a "reason" to own them. 

I bought my first, quite by accident, for varminting.  Then I found the boards, and became to understand that they really weren't evil ;), they were fun to shoot, had applications for self-defense and were even more accessorizable than 1911's (born tinkerer).  Then around the early part of this century, the makers really began to really figure out how to shoe horn some really decent rounds in the platform.  There always had been some wildcatting.  The ban ended in 2004, and things just flat snowballed.  The 556 round always had a fair amount of controversy around it as a hunting round.  Today the controversy still continues about the 556, but not the platform.  I have a switch barrel affair in 22LR, 556, 6x45 (.243 light) and 458 Socom (45-70 light).  To coin a phrase, I can hunt anything from mice to moose, ethically, with the platform.  I can plink, and I could defend my home.

So, combine the sheer number of guns out there, with the amazing flexibility, and it is no surprise the AR platform has skyrocketed.  I am a died in the wool 1911 lover, but I am guessing it will never have that kind of growth.  Still won't keep me from toting my 460 Rowland, and possibly using it for the right application.


Offline Brian T

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Re: 1911's for hunting
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2008, 11:28:52 AM »
With the right ammo the 45 acp will cleanly kill small deer and other medium game.  The issue is that in most states it is not a legal hunting cal.

Offline odoh

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Re: 1911's for hunting
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2008, 11:40:32 AM »
IIRC, there was a writer Maj Nonte that promoted the 1911 for hunting and once wrote about the taking of a black bear w/his custom 45 w/6"bbl as I recall. As a writer, that particular piece was so graphic as having had offended some readers as I recall.
At one time I had a 1006 purcased for hunting but never got around to it ~ it was a very large/huge gun in my smallish hands.

I've a yen to take my kimber hunting. Also, a SRH, a couple of FAs and BFRs and ~ ~ ~ Sigh! So many choices and so little time ~   :)

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: 1911's for hunting
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2008, 01:41:57 AM »
what he said and ill add that in the hands of a good shooter the 223 will too.
With the right ammo the 45 acp will cleanly kill small deer and other medium game.  The issue is that in most states it is not a legal hunting cal.
blue lives matter

Offline Ak.Hiker

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Re: 1911's for hunting
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2008, 07:55:50 PM »
I remember the hunting story by Maj. Nonte. He was hunting with Lee Jurras and they used the 45 ACP loaded with the Super Vel 190 grain loading on both Hog and Black Bear.

Offline Mikey

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Re: 1911's for hunting
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2008, 12:56:16 AM »
There was also an article by another gun writer where they used a 45 on a black bear they had run up a tree and the only thing the slugs did was cause the bear to leak air out both his lung until he fell dead from the tree - but it took a while.

In all honesty there is lots you can do with a 1911 and hunt reasonably.  BrianT is right - with the proper ammo you can cleanly kill deer and smaller animals.  With the proper loads you can adequately (wound and incapacitate immediately or kill) smaller bear or hog up to about 300 lbs - after that, they get pretty tough.

As Bearbait says, we have the 45 Super and the 460 Rowland which elevate the 1911 platform into the magnum category.

We also have the 38 Super/9x23 and the 10mm.  I have personally taken two larger Jaguar with a 38 Super and an old Charles Askins load using h110 powder.  I developed a 10mm cartridge for the 1911 that still outperforms anything on the market and I have taken Whitetail and Black Bear with that cartridge.  The 38 Super/9x23 will perform but on smaller animals as the loads are fast but light for game - you don't have the same advantage of heavier weight and large metplats as you have with the 357.  The 10mm is a great cartridge and a .400 diameter 200 gn cast or jacketed slug at 1200'/sec is smack in the middle of the 41 magnum range, and quite effective. 

So, there is a lot you can do with a 1911 in the right caliber, just as long as you don't stretch the capability of the cartridge you're shooting or the ability of the platform to take it.  JMTCW.  Mikey.

Offline Boxhead

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Re: 1911's for hunting
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2008, 02:32:08 PM »
This switch barrel 40 S&W/10mm has worked just fine on deer and hogs with the 180 gr cast FP bullet. I would not hesitate to use it on black bear at all as in my experience they are not that hard to kill either. A good bullet in the right place, no magic. Having another 16 rounds to follow the first one is a bit comforting too.

Offline Mohawk

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Re: 1911's for hunting
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2008, 02:54:33 PM »
  A guy here in Texas used a 1911 standard with the Gold Dot load, not sure which weight. He uses it successfully on whitetails. He said he gets good expansion. Just get a double lung and you'll be fine. The deer may run 50 or so yards but that's no big deal. The .38 and .357 has worked ok for me so the .45 ACP should be alright. Just keep yourself at bow ranges so you can make sure you get the lung area accurately.

Offline Larry Gibson

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Re: 1911's for hunting
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2008, 10:27:18 AM »
I've killed several deer (mulies and blacktails) and 2 black bear with a M1911.  I found the old Speer 200 gr FAT bullets (loaded to 1025 fps out of the 5" M1911) to be quite effective at normal handgun ranges out to 50 yards.  The current Speer Gold Dot should do just as well.  I've no qualms about hunting with the M1911 where legal.  My preference being the .45 ACP but the 10mm is excellent also and the 40 Short and Weak and .38 Super will do also.  Again legality is the question.

Larry Gibson

Offline Shaylex

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Re: 1911's for hunting
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2008, 11:01:46 AM »

Wow! Now there is one use for Lincoln Logs that I had never considered.  ;D
Sorry, I couldn't resist.   ::)

Offline countryrebel

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Re: 1911's for hunting
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2008, 12:51:42 PM »
I have used them a couple of times for hunting deer in 45acp. One was taken with a 180xtp and another with a 230hst that was recovered. The 230 broke both shoulders and rested under the skin on the far side. Shot was broadside from about 30 yards and the deer dropped in its tracks. Weight retention 226.8

Offline ccoker

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Re: 1911's for hunting
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2008, 06:42:32 PM »
those HST rounds are wicked indeed
picked some up today

Offline odoh

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Re: 1911's for hunting
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2009, 01:27:22 PM »
There was also an article by another gun writer where they used a 45 on a black bear they had run up a tree and the only thing the slugs did was cause the bear to leak air out both his lung until he fell dead from the tree - but it took a while.

. . . . . . .  Mikey.

As I recall, the Nonte report included description of the frosted air blowing out of the lung shot bullet hole and a prolonged death and was what caused the flap w/letters to the editor. Its been many yrs and my 'facts' could be bleeding across a couple of articles. However, even today I pause to consider fitting a 6" Bar Sto stainsless to mine ~ but until I can accomplish things w/what I already have, I put it on hold ~ ~ ~ story of my life!

Offline Redhawk1

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Re: 1911's for hunting
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2009, 03:36:05 AM »
Some States don't allow semi-auto handguns for hunting. But the 45 ACP would work at close range as would a 10 mm on deer and smaller game. But if I was allowed to use a semi-auto handgun, it would be my LAR Grizzly in 45 Win Mag. Right up there with the 44 Mag as far as power wise.  ;D
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