Hi guys.
I am like a kid in a candy shop.
My Ruger Bisley Blackhawk is back from JOHN GALLAGER and is now ready for duty.
I sent it off about AUG. 30th and it came back about two weeks ago.
I sent him an as new 7.5" Bisley in 45colt and now I have a 5.5" octagon barrel with a S&W type interchangeable front sight and a BOWEN adj. rear sight.
A steel ejector rod housing with a knurled rod.
The throats were opened up to .4525 along with a trigger job and a full action job.
It has a stainless steel Bisley hammer and a free spin cylinder.
The hammer was suppose to have been jeweled but he could not get it to come out the way he wanted.
I put on a set of RUGER factory stags with the medallions.
Shot it on target today and after three sighters was able to put the other 9 shots in a group 3"x3" at 25yds.
It does shoot about 1.5" to the left with the rear sight all the way to the right and about 4" to 5" high with the rear sight all the way down.
This is with 255 hard cast over 12.5gr HS6.
Might have to call him back and get a taller front sight and maybe turn the barrel a little to even up the rear sight.
All in all I am very pleased with his work.
I really would have liked the jeweled hammer!
I have always wanted a handgun built the way I wanted it and here it is!
Below is some pics.