Author Topic: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?  (Read 7475 times)

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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #60 on: January 08, 2009, 02:58:32 AM »
To shoot what he shoots from the Taurus would imply the Taurus would actually shoot. It don't. Duh, grasshopper didn't pay attention and is stuck with a non operational gun that would make even the anti's happy since it won't fire anyway.  :o ::)

Yeah Richard I just can't help myself I'm incorrigible I reckon.  ;D

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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #61 on: January 08, 2009, 07:45:07 AM »
Hey Mikey!

(1). Stay the heck out of pet stores,

I agree 100%!   :P  I would NEVER buy a pup from a pet store!   :(  Now a reputable pet rescue operation is another matter!   :)  She has been looking for breeders in our area and we've detected another scam; the CKC.  But she's still looking.

if this is the lady who suffers Rheumatoid Arthritus

It is.  :'(

a small lap dog may be more of a challenge for her to control than a larger, more mellow breed that would be intent on staying by her rather than being cute doing something.

Good point!  I'll go over that with her.  Our oldest boy has a Miniature Pincer and is a perfect example of what you mean.  And my wife was looking at an Irish Wolfhound breeder's site.  She knows I always wanted one.   ;)  Those toy poodles look pretty laid back though... and it would give the cat someone to slap aroun... uh, play with.   ;D

(2)If wearing glasses gives you a clear sight picture then wear your glasses.

I'm going to try that soons I get me a shootable 44 revolver!  :(  I was thinking.  If I use a pair of low power half frames I can stick them on the tip of my nose so they won't interfere with my distance vision, like while sitting in my stand looking for deer, then when I see something I can tilt my head back to look through them so I can see the sights!  It might work...  :-\

(3).  If the Bisley SBH comes in different barrel lengths you sure have options. ... I'm assuming the heavy rib and glow sights on the stainless Bisley in the pictures is the Hunter's Model

As I understand it, the Hunter only comes with the ribbed 7.5 inch barrel and in 44 Mag.  The rib is also the base for Ruger Rings.  I think the regular SBH and Bisley comes in different barrel lengths and other calibers, like the 45 Colt.

I understand you can retrofit the Bisley grip frame to those older models

I think I've heard people mention that!  It may indeed be a viable option!   :-\  There are a lot of used SBH's around!

If you reload,
  I do 
there are so many bullet/powder options for the 44
  so I found out!   ;D 
you won't have to worry about a barrel 2" shorter
  That's kinda what I figured! 
for practice you can shoot what you shoot from the Taurus

Well, here we go...  ::)  Ol' GB Bill sure has gotten a lot of mileage outa me buying that Taurus...  >:(
I shoot a 240 gr. hard cast SWC @ 850 fps outa my 2 inch Taurus... well, at least I did...  :-[  I don't shoot anything outa it now...  :'(  as Bill was so understanding to point out...  :(  but soon!   ::)  soon Taurus Customer Service will get as tired of me calling looking for a screw, as have a lot of other people in my past, and give me one...   I just hope I have better luck with Taurus then those other people...  :( 
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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #62 on: January 08, 2009, 09:08:58 AM »
Well Richard all I can say on that matter is you are underestimating the Taurus customer service folks and how little they care about how many calls you make. It is a sad sad state of affairs. They make a bunch of guns I'd like to own if they'd get their act together but it doesn't seem like they are ever gonna.  :'(

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #63 on: January 08, 2009, 10:22:18 AM »
you are underestimating the Taurus customer service folks and how little they care about how many calls you make.

I'm a slow learner... I'm not even going to post this over in the other thread...  :( 

After I read your post I called Taurus again.  Told the young man who answered that I had called and was told the item was out of stock, call back; called back and was told the item was in stock, placed order; called back and was told the computer was broken and nothing could be shipped, call back; called back and was told order was in computer but the item was out of stock, call back.   ::)

The young man checked the computer.  My order was in the computer, the items were in stock!  Oh Happy day!!!   ;D  But the items can't be shipped!   :o ??? >:(  WHAT!!!

They are doing year end inventory... call back.    ::) :'(

I'd like to go down there and stick that Taurus where the sun don't shine!   >:(  But I forgot to take my feel good drugs this morning... :-[  I'm probably over reacting... :P  I can control my psychosis... :-\

Oh BTW, I'm high bidder on a Ruger SBH Bisley Hunter...

If I don't get that I may just go and buy that FA...  Like you told me to do... But if I do you wouldn't have anything to laugh at me about... will you pay half?  Don't you think you got $950.00 worth of giggles outa me over the Taurus...   ??? ;D
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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #64 on: January 08, 2009, 10:41:34 AM »
I have gotten $30 worth of entertainment out of you.
PM me where to send a check.
Now all you need is 30 more guys to do the same and you get the FA for $50.
It people like the ones at Tarus is why I want to work on a cattle prod that will go through the phone lines.
Can't send it, What... Hang on.....ZAP... Will you send it now?
Oh yea I want the charge to be stored in Voice mail. ;D ;)

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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #65 on: January 08, 2009, 11:23:22 AM »
Don't you think you got $950.00 worth of giggles outa me over the Taurus... ??? ;D 

Wal prolly but iffen I had $950 I could either get that upper for my Armalite lower or buy me an Aimpoint or have half enough to buy me another FA. I gotta start saving up cuz Bob's gonna send me one of their new single Shot FAs in a few months when he gets them ready to ship and I'm sure I'm not gonna wanna hafta ship it back but iffen I don't come up with the asking price I'll have to.  :-[

I have gotten $30 worth of entertainment out of you.
PM me where to send a check.
Now all you need is 30 more guys to do the same and you get the FA for $50.

No actually that would mean he'd have one for only $1000. You grossly underestimate the going price of them. That $950 he wanted me to front him is only half of the cost not all of it.  :o  :o ???

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #66 on: January 08, 2009, 11:47:03 AM »
$1,950 Wow. does the FA also gut and drag the deer out of the woods for you?
By the way I don't think he wanted you to front him the $950.  I think he want you to GIVE him the cash.
Sorry for the confussion.  Altlaw guess you need to find 65 guys to send you $30 each.  good luck.

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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #67 on: January 08, 2009, 12:40:53 PM »
While your being generous help a poor redneck out I needs me one of them FAs too. ;D
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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #68 on: January 08, 2009, 12:47:50 PM »
With the picture of the Star ship I thought you would want a Phaser or Disruptor.

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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #69 on: January 08, 2009, 12:58:51 PM »
Just to muddy the water a bit, that SBH Hunter comes in 41mag, also.


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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #70 on: January 08, 2009, 01:37:47 PM »
iffen I had $950 I could either get that upper for my Armalite lower or buy me an Aimpoint or have half enough to buy me another FA.

Well,  :-\  That's you all over there Billim... always thinkin about you sef furstus...  :(  An you already got yousef wun uh them FA's!  Never mind about you po relative ... Even tho if'n the still was on the other farm I'd come up wif a meesly $1900 for you...  :'(
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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #71 on: January 08, 2009, 01:41:55 PM »
I don't think he wanted you to front him the $950.  I think he want you to GIVE him the cash.

You got to unnerstan how Bill thinks there Woody... he always lookin for payback...  ::)

guess you need to find 65 guys to send you $30 each.  good luck.

Good luck is right!  Most of the folk I know wouldn't pee on me if'n I was on fire...  >:(   ;)
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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #72 on: January 08, 2009, 01:44:04 PM »
that SBH Hunter comes in 41mag, also.

Why would anybody want wun a them iti biti bullets?  :-\  Ain't that kinda like sayin the .243 is a good deer gun?   :o ;D ;)
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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #73 on: January 08, 2009, 02:09:59 PM »
If you wanted to get a rise out of Bill you should have made fun of the 7mm-08 and not the 243.

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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #74 on: January 08, 2009, 03:57:55 PM »
I don't think its legal to deer hunt with phasers in Kentucky,,,,, unless its a centerfire one. ::)
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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #75 on: January 08, 2009, 04:28:10 PM »
that SBH Hunter comes in 41mag, also.

Why would anybody want wun a them iti biti bullets?  :-\  Ain't that kinda like sayin the .243 is a good deer gun?   :o ;D ;)

OK, if'n that's how ya see it, how 'bout in a 45? That wun ain't iti biti! (and I ain't wun of them, but there are them's 'at do say that 'bout the .243) I'm more into the .338 vs. 358 rage.


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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #76 on: January 08, 2009, 07:22:55 PM »
Wal dang cuz I offered ta let ya drap by and shoot my FA83 .44 Magnum ta see how well ya might lak one. I'll even furnish the ammo up to the limit uv what I haz loaded uv course.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun? - UPDATE
« Reply #77 on: February 06, 2009, 07:11:29 AM »
Well, I went an done it!   ;D  Got my Ruger SBH Bisley Hunter last weekend.  It sure is purdy!   :P  It balances well, the grips feel good in my hand, cocking is easy and the trigger pull ain't bad!  I CAN'T WAIT TO SHOOT IT!!!   :D

Also got a Burrus 2-7 3200 Elite with it, first one I've ever owned and the first pistol scope I've ever looked through.  Surprisingly nice scope, and this coming from a Leupold fan!  It does add a noticeable bit of weight to the weapon.  I think I'll do as some here have suggested and do a bunch of shooting using the open sights before I practice to any extent with the scope.   :-\

I checked the cylinders, and unlike those in my (non-firing) Taurus, the Ruger's all measured right at .430; as close as I could measure them with a caliper.  I'm not even going to slug the barrel!  Got a load from Bill using 2400 that I'm going to play with just to see how she and me dance together!   ;)

OH, and Kathie got her puppy the same day!  Remember, she wanted a fluffy itti bitti little white lap dog.  Well she ended up with a fluffy white Great Pyrenees!  11 months old and 65 lbs already!   ::)  I tell ya, I can't understand why wimmins can't understand why men can't understand what wimmins want!   ::)

As I was paying for the puppy it also dawned on me that I was paying for both her and my own anniversary present!  Her response when I pointed that fact out was that what I was actually paying for was the peace of mind of not having to sneak the gun into the house and trying to convince her that I've had it "for a long time."   :-[  Then she gave me one of those looks and I knew I was so BUSTED!   :(

But everyone's happy now...  :-\  Well, maybe not my cat and old German Shepard...  :-[
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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #78 on: February 06, 2009, 08:12:36 AM »
Congrats, you got a great huntin' gun!
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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #79 on: February 06, 2009, 08:23:45 AM »
Con Grats on both.

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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #80 on: February 12, 2009, 08:31:54 PM »
good evening i was reading this thread and all i have is a ruger blackhawk 357mag it has a 6.5in barrel, i like it but never tried hunting deer with it i was going to take it hog hunting  but never tried i ended up taking my 30-30. well i was wondering can you guys tell me if this would be a good pistol to hunt deer and hogs with?? i really enjoy shooting at the range with it, and i handload my ammo for it. so what do ya'll think?? thanks!

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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #81 on: February 13, 2009, 02:48:45 AM »
good evening i was reading this thread and all i have is a ruger blackhawk 357mag it has a 6.5in barrel, i like it but never tried hunting deer with it i was going to take it hog hunting  but never tried i ended up taking my 30-30. well i was wondering can you guys tell me if this would be a good pistol to hunt deer and hogs with?? i really enjoy shooting at the range with it, and i handload my ammo for it. so what do ya'll think?? thanks!

 Choose a good bullet, keep the shots close and put the bullet where you should and that lil' 357 will keep you feed for the remainder of your days.  ;D

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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun? - UPDATE
« Reply #82 on: February 13, 2009, 02:54:26 AM »
OH, and Kathie got her puppy the same day!  Remember, she wanted a fluffy itti bitti little white lap dog.  Well she ended up with a fluffy white Great Pyrenees!  11 months old and 65 lbs already!   ::)  I tell ya, I can't understand why wimmins can't understand why men can't understand what wimmins want!   ::)

As I was paying for the puppy it also dawned on me that I was paying for both her and my own anniversary present!  Her response when I pointed that fact out was that what I was actually paying for was the peace of mind of not having to sneak the gun into the house and trying to convince her that I've had it "for a long time."   :-[  Then she gave me one of those looks and I knew I was so BUSTED!   :(

But everyone's happy now...  :-\  Well, maybe not my cat and old German Shepard...  :-[

 GOOD for you and the wifie Rich!!!

Here is what my boy is doing right now...

 I wouldn't say you got cought.. I would say you got OWNED!!!  :o :o   She is totally on to you and the tricks!!! Good funny story!!

 Now post up some pics of the girl and the targets you shoot with it!!

 BTW, Nice new pic!!!


 Did you get a stainless model?
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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun? - UPDATE
« Reply #83 on: February 13, 2009, 04:51:54 AM »
mine likes 17.5g of 2400 with the Beartooth 265g wfngc
enjoy it!

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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #84 on: February 13, 2009, 05:24:36 AM »
Like the new Picture.
Thought we would see a pic of the new Revolver as well as the Lap Dog while he still fits in the lap.

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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #85 on: February 13, 2009, 06:11:29 AM »
Okay, okay... pictures... pooch and pistol... got it!   ::)

I'm gonna try 17.5 gr of 2400 behinda 240 gr SWC.  Got it from a good sorce!   ;D

I used to have a rottie.  He loved to lay on beds and couches also. :D
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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #86 on: February 28, 2009, 06:41:38 AM »
Okay, okay... pictures... pooch and pistol... got it!   ::)

Sometimes it takes me a while but I try to get things done eventually!   ;D

Here's the revolver.  I still haven't got to shoot it  :(  but the first decent day I can get to the range it's going with me!  Already got a bunch or rounds loaded!    ;)

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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #87 on: February 28, 2009, 06:47:53 AM »
And here's the pooch!  10 months old.  And as you can see there McWoody she's already a little big for Kathie's lap!  I'm expecting the wife-mate to tell me any time now that she still wants a YorkyPoo or whatever...  ::)
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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #88 on: February 28, 2009, 06:49:41 AM »
'course my old German Shepard ain't to happy about the whole deal...
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Re: Ruger Bisley for 1st hunting handgun?
« Reply #89 on: February 28, 2009, 06:51:23 AM »
My cat, on the other hand, is just like me...
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