All righty then!

Getting back to my first hunting handgun...

I LOVE that gun!

I burned up some rounds I had loaded for use in another revolver that I haven't been able to shoot in 4 months.

Said revolver to remain nameless because I don't want Will'um to hurt hisself falling off his chair laughing...

Then I put a bunch through it using a load given to me by a friend who shall also remain nameless. Mainly because I don't want him to have the satisfaction of knowing how good it shot in that Ruger.

After shooting the first cylinder full I looked at the target and thought I had missed it with a few rounds.

Then when I looked through the spotting scope I saw 6 holes in two little groups that made a nice tight cluster!

I'm a happy boy!
I shot it mostly at 25 yards getting it sighted in for that load. These were 240 gr. bevel based RNFP's GB member D Crockett gave me; sized .429. I think I'm gonna buy about 500 keith style bullets, flat base, and practice with the open sights for a while. I'll also sight in the scope and decide how I'm gonna use it just before deer season opens. I wore 1 power reading glasses today so I could see the front sight clearly and the bull wasn't to blurry.

All in all I am pleased as punch with the Ruger SBH Bisley Hunter!

And I thought my Pistolaro days were over!