Geez, that is a bit of a step up!
You did a very kind thing helping him out like that. You not only benefited him but, you benefited the sport. If he teaches his kids to hunt and shoot that is more hunters and shooters for the future.
I try to take anyone who wants to shoot with me. Because:
A. To teach them guns are not evil.
B. Gun owners are not psychopaths.
C. To spread knowledge and inspire gun ownership.
D. To keep tradition alive, maybe after they shoot they will consider hunting!
I am eyeballing a youth model 28ga for my son. Sure he is only 3 but, the gun I buy today will be cheaper now than it will be in the years to come. I will keep it in the box in the back of my closet and when the time is right he will have a long box to enjoy opening, just like most of us did all those years ago.