I do not know if you are shooting offhand, or from a rest. If you are shooting offhand, 1.5" is not too shabby. That will open you up to about 3" at 100 yds. which keeps you in the kill zone. If you are shooting from a rest, you shoud be able to cut that down a bit.
I recently bought a weighted shooting rest, and found a new level of accuracy for many of my guns. But I still realize that for the type of hunting I do, inside 100 yds. most of the time, I don't have to split hairs to be effective.
I also have a power line that I hunt, with the possibility of 200yd. plus shots. There I shoot from an improvised rest.
The more you experiment, the more you shoot, the more confident you become. Most of the weapons available today are better than most of us who hold them.