I went to a shoot last night and took a 2nd, a 3rd, two 4ths and a 6th with the 176. on the last shot of the night I Broke my fireing pin, or somthing, All i know is that when i pull the trigger with the action open no fireing pin comes out of the hole, and when i shake it i can hear some rattling in there, looks like i have to break out the mossberg. One guy at the shoot said that some firing pins for the older h&Rs are hard to find, is this true? The Frame for this gun appears to be the same size and shape as my handi rifles, but i tried all three handi frames and none of the 3 even came close to closing with the 176 barrel, I am going to get this fixed, but i would like to get a back up frame for it too, is there a certain year or serial numbers that have a better chance of fitting with this barrel? thanks.