I picked this rifle up a week ago. Just got around to fooling with it. I tokk the forearm off, cleaned the gas port, the port and free floated the forearm using an O-ring. The gun had obviously been cleaned before i got it as the chamber and locking area were immaculate and the bolt lugs had been lubricated with what looked like a product called "Rig" but I can't say for sure. It is a moly type lube. I cleaned this off and used a combination of Lucas Oil Treatment and transmission fluid to lube the bolt raceway in the top of the reciever. The action moves very smoothly now. I shot four 150 grain Remington factory loads thru it to test functioning, fed, fired and ejected flawlessly. As I plan on loading for it I started working on a load. Thinking a powder suited for the M1 Garand would be best I tried AA2520, 45.3 grains and 47.0 grains. Neither had enough gas volume to fully work the action but the latter load came close. I tried 53.0 grains of H380, another almost. Next up was 56.0 grains of AA4350, this functioned perfectly but as I wanted to be a bit off max I backed down to 55.0 grains and this also functioned perfectly leaving the bore and action free of powder residue. The bullet used is the 165 rain Ballistic Tip. After I have my coffee I'm going to the gun range to sight the rifle in along with a couple other rifles. I used the same three cases for all this testing and they looked good enough to shoot again so I loaded them up with the 55.0 grain load and will shoot them into a group to see if they shoot better than the factory 150 grain ammo I bought to thest the rifle with.