I've shot deer with a 16ga Brenneke slug out of a drilling with good effect within 100 yards. I also used a "Deer Slayer" barrel on my "old" Ithaca 16ga that is very accurate with Winchester slugs, which it prefers. Either gun will put "venison" in the freezer within most "slug" ranges and "sighting" limitations.
The newer "Wingmaster" 16ga is on a 12ga frame (I don't know about the early models) and tend to be as heavy as the same brand in a "12". The older Ithaca's were on a smaller, than 12ga, frame and weighed about 6.5 pounds overall. The new Browning BPS pump in the 16ga is suppose to be on a 20ga frame, which should be considerably lighter than their 12. If the 16 is made on the appropriate sized receiver, its appeal over the 12ga is because it is as easy to carry and "shoulder" in the "field" as a light "20", while being as effective as a 12.
The ballistic advantage of one gauge over the other (IMO) is due to the factory ammo available for each type, or when using steel shot a "extended" ranges. The ammo companies have all but abandoned the 16, but it is still popular in Europe. I reload; obtaining components is not a problem, so making ammo to suit the game is not an issue. If you shoot factory ammo only, than a 12 or 20 gives you more choices. The 16 is just more fun to hunt with (MBO)