Hey Swampman, I wont argue that point at all. When I got back into shooting and hunting three years ago, I went with what I felt most comfortable with. Last year I bought a 444 for an elk rifle in the timber. This year, I am going to replace the 270 with a larger magnum, maybe a 325 wsm or 338 rcm. The 270 will go to my girfriend and her kids. Swampman's logic is sound and a 165 gr or 180 gr bullet in a 30-06 is more powerful medicine for elk, albeit, shot placement is always rule number one while staying within limitations of a given bullet and cartridge. A 270 is a competent elk round, just not, in my opinion, an optimal round for elk. If I were hunting in deer only situations with possibilty of longer shots, then it is hard to beat the old 270.