There I was...In my favorite new stand set up...Here comes a fawn. I am ready to go...Bow across my lap, arrow nocked, release on the string...All I had to do was stand up quietly. No problem...Done it tons of times before...Well, I stood up and my stand made the slightest "tink" sound. The fawn, that until this time was feeding broadside at 10 yards," looked right up at me. I froze and it eventually went back to munching. Well, I hear another deer. It's the mama. She doesn't even take time to feed...She knows something is up and looks right at me. Busted twice but they don't run. Nervous but not enough to bolt...Then I hear another one coming. I figured that it was another fawn...WRONG. Here comes the biggest buck I had ever seen in the woods and it was heading right in to my shooting lane at 18 yards...Or so I thought. As he was starting to make it in to the clearing, the other two deer got spooky and started to trot away. I was afraid that the buck was going to bolt too so I took careful aim and promptly released the carbon arrow from my Pearon Spoiler Lite....AND I missed him. I rushed the shot and didn't wait until he hit the lane...I thought I could thread the needle but it was not to be. I got down from the stand because I just knew that I missed the trophy. After about 10 minutes of searching, I found the arrow...Not a drop of blood, hair, or evidence of a hit on it...I was happy that it was a clean miss.
I never took the time to count the tines as I didn't want to get over anxious....Well, I blew it big time...He ran off with the other two never to be seen by me again during the archery or gun season that follows...Oh well, that's why they call it hunting and not shooting.
Talk about your humbling experiences...