Many "experts" would disagree, but Hornady themseves say they are fine for thin skinned game. As always, a little common sense is good to have. I would not load the 6mm up to max vel & then shoot a 300# Canadian Whitetail at 10 yards in the "shoulder" as we call it or load the lightest 30 cal. in a 300RUM and do the same.
I know of several people that have been successful with the A-Max with the 168 in the 308 & at 2,700-2,800 that is the right way to use them. Same with the 6.5X55 & 140gr. I would use a little more care with the 6mm, but a ribcage shot would be a dead Deer every time.
I loaded some 168's up in my 700VS 308 this year & took it hunting a couple of times, but those were not the days that I had a shot, wound up with 2 good 8 points with my 270 though.