Personally, I think more ingredients in a lure is always better even with a 'coon lure. There is more than one thing that appeals too and calls animals into a set than one single substance. The added ingredient may be the one that sparks interest in the 'coon even when he has a full stomach and we don't know which ingredient that might be. I believe one should keep the added ingredients more subtle so that one does not overpower and nulify the other, otherwise it is a waste of time. A good example is castor or muskrat musk, it holds attraction to all animals and i've attracted many a coon with that alone. However, it would be a waste of castor or muskrat musk to overpower these modestly mild ingredients with a powerful chemical fragrance for example. I used to believe that a 'coon would come to anything because I caught so many of them in canine sets, some scented with plain coyote urine alone. However, it is a number of my lure customers, who are professional trappers targeting 'coon in big numbers that convinced me a good multi-ingredient lure, that is made specifically out of known coon calling ingredients, will greatly increase the harvest. From my observations, its not how many 'coon one harvests but how many they could have harvested with the same amount of traps and effort if an unknown number of 'coon had not passed the set uninterested in the attractor. Many trappers do not realize this is happening to them on a regular basis. Ace