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Offline Elijah Gunn

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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2009, 02:01:22 AM »
As more people lose their homes, and can't keep their dogs ,more will be released into the country by well meaning , but ignorant dog owners. We need to be ready. In the not too distant future we may be facing PACKS of feral dogs instead of just an occasional stray.
 You probably did offend your new neighbor Dee. However I wasn't there to see or hear the conversation so I can't be sure. You did give them a good reason for your concern.
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Offline magooch

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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #31 on: January 03, 2009, 03:27:15 AM »
A good way to learn about which dogs bite and which don't is to ride a bicycle.  I've been chased by just about every breed of dog and one cat.  I guess I've been lucky, because I've only had a couple of them snap at my feet.

I purposely do not carry a gun when I'm bike riding, because I know I'm very likely to get into trouble for popping someone's little yap yap.  In my experience, about 95% of dogs that chase me, are harmless, but they might cause a bike rider to self destruct while trying to avoid the mutt.  I've done that.

It seems to me that having a dog that chases bikes, motorcycles, cars, people, other animals, etc. is a nuisance and a liability that any thinking person wouldn't want to have around.

There has been far too many incidents with pit bulls for anyone to defend them as good dogs who sometimes have bad owners.  All dogs are capable of biting, but pit bulls put a whole new meaning into "bite".

Offline IOWA DON

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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #32 on: January 03, 2009, 03:58:54 AM »
Since I was a little kid large dogs have always seemed to sense that I was scarred of them. I've been bitten a number of times for no reson I could figure out other than the dog just was having mean fun. I had a couple successful battles with German shepards where I kicked them but they did not get a tooth in me. That was when I was young and fast. My wife and I do a lot of walking in the suburban/acreage area where we live, where some dog owners don't control their dogs very well. I find that when I carry my Walther PPK that more often than not the mean dogs seem to sense that I am no longer afraid of them. However, on one occaision a German shepard/wolf mix almost got too close with teeth barred and hair standing up. I almost shot it when finally the owner got it settled down. Note that I was probably 100 yards from the owners house, hardly a threat to its people. The owner explained that it was not really a mean dog. I later found out from one of the owner's church friends that it was a wolf mix. We had a mean Irish setter com into our yard and attack our 15-pound poodle which ended up eventually cripling it as it got older. The owners explained that it was always a gentle dog and they could not explain why it attacked our dog. Later we found out that it had killed another neighbors small house dog. I continually see examples of people who have large, mean dogs they cannot control and claim their dogs are gentle and under control. I could go on and on, but the problems I think the problems I see are typical. I think it makes about as much sense to have a large mean dog as it does to have a 12-year-old juvenile delinquent kid and let him run around with a pistol. Eventually something bad is going to happen.

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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #33 on: January 03, 2009, 04:12:10 AM »
Pit bulls require owners of very strong character.  My neighbor has had several, and he is too mild a person to own such a dog.  His wife is such a nut about dogs, if he were to die, she would probably have forty dogs in the house, rather than the six or so she has now.  And they are not little yappy dogs, either.  Some years ago, she called me when their pit bull, who was about seven months old at the time, turned on one of their older dogs.  As the older dog had been beating up on the pit for some time, I can't blame the pit for what it did.  Its jaws were locked on the older dog's muzzle, and I had to get it off.  I did so, but I had a cocked and locked .45 in an unsnapped holster when I separated the dogs.  The neighbor was hovering over me at the time, and I would not have liked to shoot her dog in front of her, but I also have grown fond of my own self in all these years, so I would have apologized afterward.  

We live in an area between a city and a popular lake.  A number of people take advantage of the ride to drop off dogs, and we have had some problems with roaming packs.  Most of us carry when in the field, because of the threat from the packs.  That same neighbor went  looking for his cat and was set upon by three large dogs, who had run the cat up a tree.  He was unarmed, but managed to hit the lead dog, which was charging him, with a stick he picked up off the ground.  This turned the dog.  The cat jumped out of the tree, and another one of the dogs caught it and took off, the other dogs following.  We went back, armed, but never found the dogs or the remains of the cat.  

To me, the owner who tells me that his dog would NEVER do anything like that is a real red flag.   It's time to get out the shovel and check to see what loads you have in the gun.

Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #34 on: January 03, 2009, 04:17:49 AM »
I am a dog lover but do not like Pitt Bulls. These dogs were bred for fighting so I stands to reason the meanness is in their DNA. It just can't be helped. I do remodeling and have worked for many families with Pitt Bulls and they did seem to nice loving dogs but I know deep down inside them what they can do. I think they have like 1,000 pounds of jaw pressure that can crush an arm bone. I would although like to defend German Sheppard's. We have owned 3 of them and all were very smart gentle dogs. They were big ones too, almost 100 pounds. I know strangers were sure scared of them but they were all just big babies and would not hurt any of them unless you were to grab anyone in my family. Then they would eat you. I have to say they were protective of the family. Dale
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Offline nodlenor

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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #35 on: January 03, 2009, 04:46:11 AM »
I don't understand why some people think their dogs have the right to run all over other peoples property. I don't own any pets but I have doggy do-do on my porch and other places throughout my yard. I also raise a garden every summer and the local dogs seem to think it is a playground. I have nothing against dogs but I think they should be properly taken care of and that includes keeping them at home regardless of breed.
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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #36 on: January 03, 2009, 04:51:54 AM »
Dee, I have to agree with you on this one. I've always been around all kinds of dogs. Even the ones that aren't friendly with other people have always been friendly towards me. BUT one dog that I don't feel at ease around is a pit bull, not that one has come at me but I just don't feel comfortable around one. " BAD VIBE'S " I guess.
I wouldn't want one in my neighbor hood around my grand-kids or my small dogs.
Also Insurance Companies will terminate your homeowners policy if you have any type of dog that bites someone, or curtain breeds of dogs that are know biters ( Pit Bulls, German Shepards Rottweilers & etc. )
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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #37 on: January 03, 2009, 05:29:46 AM »
New rural neighbors with a pair of Rotties that kept getting loose and roving the country side.    Driving home from work one evening I witnessed the two Rotties had a full grown cow down killing it  just inside the pasture fence by the road while the rest of the nearby herd looked on.   For the Rancher, that was the last straw.   No more roving Rotties.
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Offline alsaqr

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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #38 on: January 03, 2009, 05:34:46 AM »
As more people lose their homes, and can't keep their dogs ,more will be released into the country by well meaning , but ignorant dog owners.

Exactly.  In addition to that we have a big military population in the county.  Often the family gets orders, cannot take the dog and they turn it loose. 

A friend had several horses attacked by pit bulls.  They really messed up those horses.  No one wants to breed a mare to a stud that has scars all over.  Last year I killed two pit feral bulls and a big Samoyed that attacked me as I was opening a gate. 

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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #39 on: January 03, 2009, 06:50:24 AM »
Dee: You are right. At the first sign of trouble with that dog, make it the last sign of trouble with that dog. It may not hurt to let your local sheriff know that there is a dangerous animal in the neighborhood now.
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Offline cwlongshot

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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #40 on: January 03, 2009, 06:56:47 AM »
I agree with most of the posts. I don't tolerate the Pits.
 I had a couple Dobermans growing up and they where great dogs.

 I have a Rott/Sheppard mix now. He is a big male @ 140Lbs and tests me from time to time. Dominance is key with these breeds, I am alpha and he knows it, but he tests me. He is very loveable and protective of my wife. Which is EXACTLY what his job is. He has attitude and that attitude is what makes him what he is good for. Would he snap, I doubt it but who knows. Would he bite someone, absolutely, but I'll tell you this, they would deserve it. He is very protective of children and surprisingly tolerant with them. Even more so than he is of adults, as I said he is smart. He is 10 this year and has never had an incident with a person, but has had a couple dog altercations. Everytime it was a stray found in his yard. No major injuries. Everyone who has met him says the same thing he is the smartest damn dog they have ever seen. You can tell him exactly what to do and 9/10 times he will do just that. One time some kids where sneaking around breaking into cars. I saw them out near my old truck. I came out on the porch and hollered at them, I got some sarcastic remarks and told they to get out or I'll send the bog.. they laughed. They stopped when he had them all on top of that old Ford. Those three got a free ride in the paddy wagon that night. The cop said I was lucky he didn't bite one of them, I told him they where lucky I didn't feel my life was threatened and shot them!

 I too have had three instances where I had to use deadly force and defend myself from a dog. Only once did I have to shoot the dog. I do not fear any dog, I'll respect them, but never show weakness. That alone has stopped more altercations with canines than any other.

I am not naive to the ways and rights of dogs. If he bit some kid I would completely expect him to be destroyed or that kids father to shoot him. (If I didn't do it myself.) We watch him close and keep him inside the fence.

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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #41 on: January 03, 2009, 11:09:39 AM »
When I was growing up my Grand Father had what he called Bull Dogs and they were working dogs.  Today I know they were what is now called Pit Bulls.  Pappy never allowed any of those dogs to come to the house.  They lived and stayed at the barn.  If one of them ever growled at one of us kids that was the end of it.  If one came to the house it was reprimanded the first time.  Whipped the second time.  Shot the third time.  The old man did not put up with any nonsense from them either he claimed.  But when he wanted a Bull or Cow to go up a loading chute into a truck and they refused, he called in the dogs.  Things sometimes got real bloody, but in the end the livestock was in the truck.  People from Nashville used to drop off dogs along the road.  It was very unfortunate for those dogs, the Bull dogs did not tolerate any outsiders.  Stray dogs were killed right off.  Same thing for Coyotes, Foxes, Possums, Raccoons, or any other wild life that came around the barn.  The old man never had a problem with thieves either.

A couple of years ago I came out of Safeway one afternoon.  The new Chevy truck parked beside my truck had a big white Pit Bull in the seat.  I did not look at him as I got into my truck, just saw him with my periferial vision.  After I got into my truck I took a good look at him.  Gosh he was big, one little flap of skin where his right ear had been, nothing on the left side.  Scares all over his face and body.  It was appearant this was a fighting dog, that had been in fights.  Then I made eye contact with this dog and held it for about five seconds.  That's all it took, this dog tried to jump through the window.  He started clawing at the door.  I then saw the plastic door panel come loose from the window area.  I started my truck and started backing out.  The big dog then turned on the rear window, and the back of the seat.  He litterally ripped the head rest and the back of the seat apart trying to get out that window.  My wife who had sit in the truck while I was in the store was shocked with the dogs behavior.  As I was driving away the wife said the owner came running from the store and was screaming at the dog.  The dog then turned to the drivers side towards the man and continued trying to get out of the truck.  (Had my little snouser do the same thing to me once when I came out to my truck)  I drove away.  Later Bret, a good friend of my son's and also one of the store employees that brings in shopping carts came by our house and was excited about what had happened.  The dog continued trying to get out of the truck for over an hour.  The owner tried to yell at him to get him to stop.  The dog kept going after the owner or anyone else that went close to the truck.  And since the owner had parked right in front of the door every time some went into or out of the store the dog went off anew.  The owner was afraid to open the truck door.  Bret said the dog destroyed the inside of the new Chevy Silverado.  The dog was still raising a fuss when he got off work, but had started slowing down.  Bret offered to go to his truck and get his rifle and shoot the dog for the owner, and he said he felt the owner  almost gave in.  One of the local cops told me later they put traffic cones around the truck and that entrance to the store routing people to the other entrance.  After a while the dog settled down and let the owner come to the truck and open the door and get in.  The owner drove off with the dog. 

Saw that dog again last year.  It was chained in the back of an old flat bed truck.  The kind that make you think of homesteaders, and it was parked way out in the back of the parking lot off by itself.  Later a family came out of Fred Myers and loaded supplies into the big metal box on the back of the truck.  The kids stayed well out of reach of the dog.  The man was the only one jumping up on the bed with the dog.  After loading up the man, woman, and two young boys climbed into the truck and drove away.   

This homesteader family are probably the only people that have a true use for a dog like that.  A dog that could stand up against wolves and bears that come too close to their cabin.
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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #42 on: January 03, 2009, 12:16:12 PM »
Your neighbor was warned in a frank but not in a hateful way. It is on him now to take care of the Dogs. If not, the cheese method will work fine.
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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #43 on: January 03, 2009, 12:25:00 PM »
Please just make sure we are talking about Pits and not Bulldogs.  I raised "English" Bulldogs for years and can't tell you the number of people that thought the dogs were Pits.  These are two different breeds and totally different in temperment.

Now that is funny. I was a K-9 Sgt for 13 years. I definitely know the difference.
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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #44 on: January 03, 2009, 12:35:47 PM »
I think youre spot-on with most of your opinions, but you may have gotten off on the wrong foot on this one. Has the dog(s) gone into your yard or threatened you? As a former LEO I would think you would be able to tell the difference between a dog trained to protect a drug dealin POS and a dog that is coming out to greet his new neighbor.

I gave my new neighbor some very useful information on maintaining the good health and welfare of their pit bulldog. I was curtious and polite. As far as the drug dealin POS you referred to? I would shoot his pit bull if it got on my property too. I don't discriminate on pit bulldogs families, I shoot'em all. To do otherwise would be bigoted. ;)
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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #45 on: January 03, 2009, 02:12:22 PM »
Someone posted about packs of feral dogs. Here in north Louisiana we have had this problem. Years ago before hunting clubs hunters came from all over to run their deer dogs. Never failed that all dogs were not recovered. My grandfather lost several calves to a pack of feral hunting dogs before we were able to dispatch the pack. Before someone hollers I'm not blaming dog hunters we ran dogs ourselves. Sometimes you just couldn't catch them all.

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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #46 on: January 03, 2009, 02:51:55 PM »
I think you're spot-on with most of your opinions, but you may have gotten off on the wrong foot on this one. Has the dog(s) gone into your yard or threatened you? As a former LEO I would think you would be able to tell the difference between a dog trained to protect a drug dealin POS and a dog that is coming out to greet his new neighbor.

I gave my new neighbor some very useful information on maintaining the good health and welfare of their pit bulldog. I was courteous and polite. As far as the drug dealin POS you referred to? I would shoot his pit bull if it got on my property too. I don't discriminate on pit bulldogs families, I shoot'em all. To do otherwise would be bigoted. ;)

 So true, glad to see you have that straight as well!!

 I just sprayed my puter screen with coffee!!!  ;D ;D ;D

 That reminds me the other day i was in the front yard and a couple kids walked buy, Riley was lying there minding his own business. But Like I said at 140Lbs he attracts a bit of attention. They asked if the dog bites. I gave my common responce, All dogs bite. One actually asked if they could pet him, I said no, I hadn't feed him yet... They stepped it up a bit and I haven't seen them since. ::) ;D


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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #47 on: January 03, 2009, 03:04:03 PM »
I personally do not care breed, color, papers, etc.  The fact is if its on my property and creating problems, the source of the problem will be dealt with in an appropriate manner.  Somes that means some cold water, some home-made wax slugs, and others its more terminal.

Just a cold fact of life.

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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #48 on: January 03, 2009, 03:54:01 PM »
A couple of years ago, I was working on the south porch, which is my summer office, when I heard an unearthly howl in the woods.  One of my cats, who was lying at the edge of the porch, stood up at attention, looking into the woods.  I grabbed my BL-22 and went to check it out.  Some feral dogs had begun eating a fawn, tearing out its rectum and then working on a hind leg, but not killing it.  They moved off when I approached, and the brush being thick, I was not able to get off a shot at any of them.  I had to put the fawn out if its misery.  Technically, I suppose I was taking deer out of season, but it was the only humane thing to do.  I don't blame the dogs, they were hungry and had not learned how to hunt game, but I sure would have liked to have the people who dropped them off down there in the thick brush.


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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #49 on: January 03, 2009, 04:19:31 PM »
i  was attacked  by  a german sheperd  at  6
  will  kill  one  of  them before  any other  breed
  call  me  a bigot
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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #50 on: January 03, 2009, 05:08:47 PM »
Your a bigot.
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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #51 on: January 04, 2009, 03:46:48 AM »

 That reminds me the other day i was in the front yard and a couple kids walked buy, Riley was lying there minding his own business. But Like I said at 140Lbs he attracts a bit of attention. They asked if the dog bites. I gave my common responce, All dogs bite. One actually asked if they could pet him, I said no, I hadn't feed him yet... They stepped it up a bit and I haven't seen them since. ::) ;D


Reminds me i caught 2 repo men trying to get my nieghbors car one summer night years back. I came out of the house  revoler in hand and my 100pound Malamute right behind. we cornered them   I got them on there knees . As my dog got closer the one asked "dose that dog bite" all I said is she's a good dog and will do what i tell her.
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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #52 on: January 04, 2009, 04:22:49 AM »
DEE. Agreed. I killed a neighbors doge years ago after it killed 28 of my ducks and chickens in one outing. POWDERMAN.  :o :o
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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #53 on: January 04, 2009, 05:11:05 AM »
We've become a country that thinks more of its pets than it does of its people.

A large portion of the world still eats dogs.  I'm sure we look like idiots in their eyes.
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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #54 on: January 04, 2009, 12:40:24 PM »
A dog is a tool. If the tools doesn't work you get rid of it and get the correct tool. Sadly most pit bull owners are the type who shouldn't be allowed to keep a rock for a pet. If we took care of the root of the problem, the owners, the police would investigate to much there fore the poor dog has to be the victim. I had a friend that had a pit bull for a little bit, the dog acted aggressivly toward his father, and dad shot it, end of story.

Too bad this owner was not put down as well as the dog.
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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #55 on: January 04, 2009, 01:20:24 PM »
that  video  is  why   we  should  be  armed  at  all  times

i  bet  here  in florid  most  likely an armed citizen  would step  in

i  beleive  this woman  was  charged  but  not sure
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
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AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #56 on: January 04, 2009, 02:55:19 PM »
A dog is a tool. If the tools doesn't work you get rid of it and get the correct tool. Sadly most pit bull owners are the type who shouldn't be allowed to keep a rock for a pet. If we took care of the root of the problem, the owners, the police would investigate to much there fore the poor dog has to be the victim. I had a friend that had a pit bull for a little bit, the dog acted aggressivly toward his father, and dad shot it, end of story.

Too bad this owner was not put down as well as the dog.

Billy could you provide another link to that video? It does not come up when I click on it. Thanks Dale
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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #57 on: January 04, 2009, 04:23:55 PM »
Maybe everyone should go back and reread Dees original post- the dog was only doing what it was supposed to do-regardless of breed- IF YOU COME INTO MY YARD OR MY HOUSE I WILL CHEW ON YOU! Any dog will fight to the death to protect what it thinks is his! If it comes into your yard- you have the right to protect what is yours. If you are afraid of dogs they sense it and exploit it. This thread got way off track because it started out about pitbulls but any breed will act agressively if you provoke it.

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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #58 on: January 04, 2009, 04:27:28 PM »
I agree that most pit-bull owners aren't fit dog owners, and pit bulls aren't fit to have around kids, but when the SWAT team has knocked down the next door neighbors door twice in the last six months-I sure wish I had one here.

Offline billy_56081

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Re: I think I offended my new neighbor?
« Reply #59 on: January 05, 2009, 01:00:10 AM »
I agree that most pit-bull owners aren't fit dog owners, and pit bulls aren't fit to have around kids, but when the SWAT team has knocked down the next door neighbors door twice in the last six months-I sure wish I had one here.

Where in MN do you live????????
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.