Now back to the New Civil War. Who will lead the secession movement, what state will be first? Do you think enough voters in a state would vote to leave the Union? As for the previous post about the amendments to the constitution, there is the 15Th then add the USA PATRIOT Act plus laws on sedition and treason, then throw in terrorism for good measure. Do you think the Government is going to stand by and hold the BATF, FBI, US Marshalls Service and Homeland Security at bay. There are federal laws against interfering with interstate commerce, who owns the federal highways in your state, why do you see the US on road signs. How about the mail, the U.S. Postal Service, they have there own police force, U.S. Postal Inspectors. Who will be the first to take over U.S. Military installations? Do you remember Ruby Ridge, Waco Texas? The Federal Government has called out the Military to back it up on several occasions in the past, remember when the U.S. Army took over the rail roads? Will the citizens vote to lose their welfare checks, social security checks, Medicare and Medicade. How about school and highway funding, who will make that up. There may be a Civil War but not in the terms as before, as posted above it will be one with no government, it will be mass of anarchist, hoodlums, drug addicts and criminals. This country will be plunged into the dark ages of city states where each has to protect his own.