I have a Swedish Mauser 6.5x55 and I started by handloading 140 grain Noslers.
Just 1/4 grain from the max loading she will shoot 1/2 inch and just under all day every day. It is the most accurate rifle I own. It was made 1899 in the Gustav Arsenal and I had purchased two of them about 30 years ago. I gave one to my friends wife, jeezsee I wish I had it back.
I was amazed and still am at the accuracy of this rifle.
I have shoot deer, black bear, and elk with this rifle and it worked everytime taking all cleanly. I then started loading some 160 round nose just for the informal shooting and practice. The accuracy was 1.5 to 2.0 inches at 100 yards and that was the best I could get out of it with that round.
A friend ,who is a real gun nut, talked me into using the 160 grain round for hunting just to compare its performance to the 140 Grain Nosler.
Here is the little known truth of that round...PENETRATION PENETRATION PENETRATION. The only other rifles that will smash bones and penetrate like this round does are my 45.70 and my 444 Marlins. I shot one elk, a pretty good 5x5, at a quartering shot hitting in the right hip as he was running away full tilt. That bullet followed through the backstrap all the way to the base of the neck and exited out the left top shoulder dropping him as if pole axed between the eyes.
I shot a 407lbs. black bear at 75 yards standing broad side to me The round broke both shoulders and exited killing him right there. I killed two more bears at less than 50 yards with penetration that was eye opening.
I took a mule deer at just over 200 yards and the bullet enterd the left front shoulder and took all in lungs and top of heart and exited the right side in the lower rib cage breaking two ribs as it left.
I had read about that round being a heck of a penetrator but I was always skeptical until I had personaly seen what it can do. It is the long skinny little finger sized bullet that is the best not the nosler. Yet it is not the most accurate.
Just my 2 cents