Are you happy now?
The guy is a lifer in the military- protecting your and my rights to free speech and you run him off because you don't want to offend a terrorist sympathizer. Welcome to America!
With all due respect there mirage1988, if Mr. Totenkoph has nothing to hide, he has no need to leave. Voluntarily or other wise. On the other hand, if he did perpetrate this hoax HIMSELF, being a military man does not give him a free pass. There are good AND BAD folks in the service.
Now! As you said. This IS America. Due process, is due process. You wouldn't on the other hand want to see a guilty man escape would you?
As far as TM7, my views toward HIS views are no secret either, however, with all the exchanges TM7 has had with all the other posters, it seems a bit ODD that Mr. Totenkoph is the ONLY ONE to receive a "threatening email" allegedly from TM7.
If Billy and you want to do your own investigation, I think that also would be interestingly entertaining.
I say, let it play out. This is quite interesting, AND entertaining also.
With the present content being what it is, GB & Matt may not have to invite the Feds in, they may come on their own. If they do, then GB and Matt will have the perpetrator and one or two cowboys here to thank for it.