Bottom pour ladle
Yep, the bottom pour ladle is far and away the best casting method I have seen and/or tried.
For me the bottom pour pot didn't cut it, AND I can cast circles around the pot with the bottom pour ladle.
I use a rather large pot, really an old castiron kettle, and that with the bottom pour ladle keeps me casting for quite awhile without stops for anything but fluxing.
With a bottom pour pot I would constantly be waiting for metal to melt so I could continue pouring.
I run anywhere from 3 - 6 molds at a time, depending on the outside temp. and if I am casting by myself or with a helper.
A bottom pour pot just doesn't begin to keep up with my casting rate.
Unlike reloading, I don't sit down to do it just for the fun of it.
So when I set up to cast, my goal is to produce as many good bullets as I can, and do so ASAP.
The Bottom Pour ladles, come in a number of sizes from small to very large two person ladles used in commercial cast/molding operations and as I recall, the company name was something like Car Mover Company.
The "car mover" is a tool used to manualy move Rail Road cars around in a RR yard setting.
So anyway, my other ladles only get used for skiming or casting ingets and the RCBS ladle never.
Keep em coming!