Break open single shot's need to be set up just a little different.
First take your new unfired brass and file a small notch in the rim of each case. Then on the back of the barrel over the chamber at 12 o'clock lightly and I mean lightly file or punch a mark right at the edge of the chamber. This is only an indicator or alignment mark, so do get carried away. You could also use a scribe and a straight edge. Now when ever you load a cartridge into this chamber make sure the notch aligns with the mark.
If you do this, this is one of two things that will increase brass life in the break action singleshots, or any single shot for that matter.
The second thing is proper adjustment of the sizing die.
Screw the die down against the shell holder in the raised ram. Back the die out 1/2 turn. Run a lightly lubed fired case in the sizer die. Put the sized case in your pistol, aligning the notch. Try and close the action. it should not close. Now try and close the action by giving the barrel a brisk snap closed with your hands on the barrel and grip. Adjust the die in 1/8 turn and try to close the action again with a birsk snap. Keep going in 1/8 turn until the action will close with a brisk snap. At that point lock your die ring and adjust your decapping pin. (Note: some people even go so far as to align the brass, using the notch as it goes on the sizing die, can't hurt, I never have)
This will give you a tight chamber fit, your gun will be more accurate and your brass will last longer.
The instructions above and the ones I wrote earlier use to appear in the Instructions that came with Redding Dies.
Now you got that done go kill something! Deer!, Paper, Steel, just shoot!