Author Topic: ? For Matt Jones  (Read 532 times)

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Offline KYtrapper17

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? For Matt Jones
« on: August 23, 2003, 05:07:14 AM »
Hey Matt,

          My real name is Zach Ellis. I live in Lincoln County, KY. I was just wondering if you sold your furs at the KY Fur Takers Auction in Elizabethtown? Also will you be at the convention in October at Elizabethtown? This will only be my 2nd year of trapping, and I plan to sell at the auction. I went up there last year with a buddy to watch him sell his furs and I loved it. I will also be at the convention. My buddy is putting on a demonstration on coyote sets. I hope to see you there!

                                                              Happy Trapping,
Trapping ain't a sport; It's a way of life

Offline mattjones298

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? For Matt Jones
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2003, 10:06:17 AM »
zach, nice to meet ya, yes i`ll be up there in oct.  i most likely will not be at the fur sale as i market mine else where. there will be alot of great trappers there with some great info.  i see your new to trapping, learn all you can on fur handling, and sell to the highest mkt you can find.  dont give your fur away.  a man works to hard for it.....matt

Offline KYtrapper17

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? For Matt Jones
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2003, 04:24:23 AM »
I will be lookin for ya at the convention. It's just around the corner. You might know my buddy I was talking about. His name is Dwight Gillock. He lives a few miles from me. He runs a multi-species line, but really hits the canines hard, catching mostly coyotes cause thats what we have more of. They asked him at fur auction to put on a demo of his favorite coyote set at the convention. So he has been practicing making sets and trying to pick his favorite one. Well, I guess I'll see ya in October.

                                                               Happy Trapping,
Trapping ain't a sport; It's a way of life