Your situation and mine were similar at one time, 5 yrs ago I finally gave up on construction (during a boom) and took a state job. I was 43 and still could handle the work and the cold, but sure wasn't enjoying myself. I knew I wasn't making much money, but when I got my first state check I almost cried, about 1/2 of what I was used to. I have always worked side work, but went after it like a maniac then. Thank God my wife is a financial pirrana, we had 3 houses, monster med. bills, partially from my having no insurance, and were both looking at bankruptcy. We did a lot of praying, still do, my little darlin' put together a plan to be out of debt in 5 yrs, pipe dream so I thought, and we knuckled down. She works (still) 6 days a week selling furniture on comission, then she also worked 5 hrs a night bussing tables, something most professionals wouldn't consider. We attacked our bills, we would look at what we were getting accomplished and that motivated us. We paid off all 3 places and she started renting the 2 vacant places. Any extra money went to what would benefit us most. In the middle of this I decided she needed a dependable car, this set back our plan by $22K. I promised I would pay for the car out of my side money,did it in 2 1/2 yrs. Her plan came true in 3 1/2 yrs.
Being out of debt is a beautiful thing! Now I work extra if I feel like it, take about 1 1/2 mos. off a year to guide/hunt, have the best in optics & equipment, have motorcycles, a 4-wheeler and more guns than I'll ever even shoot, I want for nothing. We live in a small house, the ones we rent out are nicer than what we live in, but our little house is perfect. Heck, I've even been to Europe.
I'm really not trying to gloat or brag, I can't take credit for none of this, our God takes care of us so much better than we could imagine! And he gave me an incredible Christian woman who know how to get things done. The rough times make us appreciate when we have it good and makes us more careful.
If we can do it so can you, just keep pecking away at those difficulties and whittle 'em down. Attack the problem and beat it down.
Bluebayou, now that is an inspirational post! You have my admiration. We'll pray for you and Dale, prayer is a powerful tool!
Best wishes and believe in yourself. Jim