I just reloaded my first 40 rounds so I am as new to this as it gets.
I wanted to see how far to seat the bullets for my .223 handi rifle, so I drilled out the primer pocket of a once fired case (fired in my handi), this new hole is big enough for the depth rod of my digital caliper. I placed a bullet in the neck and put it in the chamber. Once it was flush all the way in, I used the caliper to measure from the face (back of case) to the bottom of the bullet. The bullet was loose enough that by sliding the caliper wider, I could push the bullet all the way to the rifling. I noted the measurement and then extracted the case and using a cleaning rod, I very lightly knocked the bullet out of the chamber. I reassembled the cartridge to the same measurement and then measured the over all length. The problem is, if I seat the bullet to the required depth to match this over all length, it will barely be in the neck of the case. The bullet is a 50 grain Remington Accu-Tip boat tail. The curved edge of the boat tail and maybe 1/16th of an inch of the bullet are below the edge of the neck.
Needless to say, I didn't seat the bullets out this far, I compromised between factory ammo and my measurement so that the bullet has a decent amount of case neck bearing on it.
Have I missed something or have I bought an odd ball rifle?