Author Topic: Had A Good Time!  (Read 649 times)

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Offline Asa Lenon

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Had A Good Time!
« on: August 24, 2003, 02:37:39 AM »
:grin: I spent Friday afternoon at the U.P. trappers convention at Marquette and had a great time visiting.  Got to know bogmaster better than before, a real down to earth guy for sure.  Generally bog is so busy at the conventions that it is impossible to visit at any length without waiting through a long line of customers.  Bogs honest business is truly reflected in a large following of repeat customers.  Anyway, I got to visit before the crouds come along.  I got to see 'ol RdFx and visit a while, he was busy selling used traps and lures as usual, another down to earth, straight forward guy.  Then, I got to meet Rob220swift, he probably doesn't want to get near me again. Rob is an attorney, i'll be lucky if I don't get sued, LOL!  I got so carried away talking trapping that I slopped a whole cup of coffee down his pant leg.  I was so embarrased it was rediculous but Rob was gracious. Rob looked like a scent post set standing there with a wet pants leg and a puddle of brown liquid at his feet, all that was needed was a #3.  My apologies Rob, it was nice talking with you! Got to meet Scott W, bearstretch and Robert Rivers from the forums, all really nice young fellows.  Then there was 'ol Edge, he is always a great guy to visit with, was good to see 'ya again.  Had a nice visit with trappnman and got to look through his trapline photo album and sniff all of the Stef Forget lures that he sells. His wife was nice too and my wife and here seemed to hit it off.  Enjoyed meeting you trappnman!  I visited with dozens of trappers and dealers that i've know over the years.  Some were old customers of mine for as long as I can remember. One was a Grandson of an old Michigan State Trapper Instructor who worked together with my Dad, that was an interesting conversation.    Ace

Offline rancid

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Had A Good Time!
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2003, 03:16:31 AM »
Good Morning Asa,
 I guess I should'a got there Fri.
 Not alot of people on Sat. for sure.
 An attorney for a scent post set.Hmmmm
 Most I've met would'a made a better hangin bait set.
 Nuthin personnel Rob.
 Later Asa, Maybe next year. Rancid
If God did'nt want us to eat animals,he would'nt have made them out of meat.

Offline RdFx

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Fun time
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2003, 03:57:42 AM »
Yep was a fun time at Marquette rondy and ALOT of trappers missed out.  Fri  was quiet and so was Sat but  the regular trappers that come rain, snow and ice showed up.   Asa Lenon came up and made the rounds and alot of Mich and other state trappers got to meet Ace for first time.   Yep Ace you are a sly one for sure using the attorneys leg for a scent post demonstration.  Heck i bet he didnt even know  that it was a classic trappers canine set . :) .   Alot of first time trappers buying  a few traps  for canines and bobcats.  I remember those days as the kids were counting up one dollar bills and change  to buy a trap or two.  
   I also remember a young girl about 10 yrs old that was practicing setting a nbr one longspring with help fm her  grandfather i believe and getting it set.  You should have seen the smile on her face, and of course  fm Gmpa too  :grin: .  
   I have to give credit to i believe his name was Dave Johnson for all the work he did running around keeping demos going and helping people out.  If i have this fellows name wrong someone correct me but he sure did work his butt off .  .
   Brought my 36 cup coffee maker to help ol Bog out and the fart brought one too.  At any rate early in the morning there was a steady stream of trappers going to either my coffee pot or Bogs gettting charged up for making attorney's scent post sets  :-D .    
  Next big one is Wis Trappers rondy at Marshfield, Wisconsin on  Sept 5-6-7th  Weekend admission is only $5.  Camping free to all Wisconsin Trapper members.  Friday demonstrations by Trapper Art Tom Olson, Galen Lkisewicz, Rick Tishaefer and Gary Mather ( da Beav).   Saturday Leo Hoeft,  John Christian , Arnold Groehler, John WIlson , Mike Schmelling.   Events  on Fri evening will be a Trapperman BBQ and also a big White elephant Auction.  If you have some to to donate bring along.  Also this auction has EVERYTHING not only trapping equipment.  Last yr there were computers, elec generators to name a few things.   Saturday nite a BIG family dance featuring Southbound band.    So bring the family,   girlfriend ,, buddy, kid next door and have a good weekend.

Offline Rob220swift

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New Lure Discovered
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2003, 01:36:11 PM »
Well Asa, I hung my jeans on the clothesline and within 20 minutes there were 3 coyotes, 2 fox, and a bobcat fightin each other to get at em.  You claim it was coffee, but I'm doubting it now.  In fact I am going into the lure and bait business if I ever find out what ingredients went into that coffee you dumped on me. " Barrister's Bane" is what we can name it.  Must have a little skunk musk to give em confidence.
Great meeting you.


Offline trappnman

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Had A Good Time!
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2003, 02:18:07 PM »
I concur. Had a real nice time. Enjoyed meeting Asa- and as he said, his wife and mine really hit it off. Asa, now you can see why I stake! LOL

Rob- wasn't the coffee 120 degrees and burned your leg.....?

Edge- what an absolute card.....shy? Yeah, Muhummad Ali ws shy...Like Jay Len ois shy. But a very  serious trapper.

WQ- RdFx's white cowboy hat now has a dent on the top and a black smudge on the side. Took him about 10 secs to cry uncle. Told me he saw you but want to, as he told me " mess with the man's mind..."

or some such...

UP is very nice country. I'll go back next year. Interesting to hear a lot of the coyote trappers pronounce it in that Canadian way of ki-yute. I always like sound of that.

We sat around the fire with Scott, Bearstretch, his parents and Edge Sat night.  Ki-yutes were a singing in the distance. A very nice touch to end the convention.....trappnman
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Offline Bogmaster

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Had A Good Time!
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2003, 02:42:37 PM »
Hi Gang, I just got back from the U.P.--wonderful people for sure .
 I too had a good time visiting with all the people mentioned in the previous posts.I may just have to go up there this season with a pair of hippers and waders for Asa.  Tom
If you need trapping supplies---call ,E-mail , or PM me . Home of Tom Olson's Mound Master Beaver Lures  ,Blackies Blend--lures and baits.Snare supplies,Dye ,dip,wax,Large assortment of gloves and Choppers-at very good prices.Hardware,snares,cable restraints and more!Give me a call(651) 436-2539
  I now also carry --- The WIEBE line of Knives and their new 8 and 12 inch fleshing Knives.

Offline trappnman

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Had A Good Time!
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2003, 03:14:58 PM »
You finally got home?  Thought you'd just be pulling out of the fairground by now old man.....
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Offline RdFx

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Coffee gone????
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2003, 03:58:50 PM »
:shock:  :shock:  Steve  Bog ran out of coffee thats why he got home so early.  His wife lured him home with a phone call saying the pots on honey .  Of course she could have done the same thing by saying Hey Hon just bought you a new pair of waders come home and try them on  :lol: .  Friday nite thos yotes were singing away to high heaven and then somebodys dogs chimed in and really had a sing song fest.  This was about midnight .  Then about 4 am they started in again.  I wonder if that big rooster that was running around outside the fairgrounds is still alive with all those yotes there  :wink:

Offline Edge

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Had A Good Time!
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2003, 05:54:14 PM »
Not SHY,man,crowdophobic!LOL!It was nice to meet all the guys,I think people like Scott W and Bearstretch(the young ones)are a shot in the arm for the trapping future(even if one of them doesn't take grapple chain advice)they are really taking the bull by the horns and that takes moxy(or Sisu in the UP.)
Was nice talking yotes with Asa,Steve,Lori,I see why Steve don't use grapples......yotes would die of old age before they hung up...
It really was an awesome convention,and I believe my trapping budget is now TOTALLY depleted(although I offered to front Scott W for a box of ACTUAL grapple chain,so I'd still come up with the jing for that.....)


PS Nice meeting wetleg too,poor guy.......happily attends a trapping convention and has to go home with p-pants.....wonder if the missus noticed?.......wonder if he's gonna get a free bottle of lure or sumthin.......

Offline RdFx

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Chain, grapples, and CHESTNUT RINGS
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2003, 06:03:17 PM »
Heck Edge  the boys had their minds made up friday already as they bought some chestnut rings fm Kyle Katz editor of Trappers World.  Heck with all the yotes there in Marquette those boys are going to be skinning  into thier study time in thier new apartment.  Wonder what the maintenance man is going to say about those yote pelts drying downstairs in the furnace room  :eek:

Offline Wackyquacker

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Had A Good Time!
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2003, 05:53:48 AM »
Ok Asa, now that you gave the "Catch -everthing -in the -world -lure" from Canada your personal smell test letrs see how good that schnoz of your's is:  We want a list of ingredients that you detected (not countinig Skunk).  Then Stef can come on and tell us all you missed.  As a matter of fact how about tryiing to hit the concentrations of each, that is if you r up to the test.   I got my pencil and paper ready 8)  

In fairness, we'll challenge Stef to analyze your Bobcat lure and you can tell us every place he went wrong.  Aging and starting base materials are all parts to be identified.

Lets see how good you really are. :grin: (

(Corey pay attention)

Offline bearstretch

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Good Time
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2003, 07:01:38 AM »
Howdy all.  Yep had a great time.  Shiny gave us a little trouble, but I guess he's allowed to beings he has almost have the votes in the club.  Learned a heck of a lot of info too.  It was nice to get to meet Asa there and I as well as a few others obviously do appreciate the demo, along with rob's  Got to do a lot of visiting with Steve and Lauri.  Gave me a lot of tips.  Had a good time at the bonfire too, and might i mention the only bonfire, which caught me surprised.  Also the bogmaster.  Gave some good pointers and had good demos.  Glad he could make it over.  And RdFx, nice to see ya and meet ya.  Looking forward to it again.  Rob, if you got that much to come in ta ya, by golly i know a place where I want you to stand around for a while!lol.  Had a great time.  Me and Scott got a few members for the club, much appreciated.

"Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping; An American Tradition"

"Rednecks, White Socks, and Blue Ribbon Beer"

Offline trappnman

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Had A Good Time!
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2003, 08:40:21 AM »
Hi stretch- glad to see you here!

Best advbice yet- Keep one eye one Scott at all times....
Your American Heritage- Fur Trapping, Hunting & Fishing